David Laville and I are the only ones in this forum who have seen you hit the ball. I can't speak for DL but I'm on record for testifying that you indeed have a suberb golf swing which results in consistent, impressive ball striking.
I also believe you understand the fundamentals of a golf swing and furthermore, are intelligent and articulate enough to explain it.
When I entered into this forum, I looked forward to a debate by which you would give serious challenge to the TGM-ers, enabling hacks like me to distinguish what is truth, what isn't.
But you haven't debated. You've dissed and danced, complaining about the rules, etc. Frankly David, I'm surprised by this.....you can do better!
You should easily be able to tell us what specific principles HK was correct in.....where he was incorrect, but you haven't. So I'm asking you, David. What specifically was heresy....what was truth??
I'm going to say the following based on personal experience re. your hero, Ben Hogan. The last swing theory I seriously digested was Hogan's 5 Fundamentals. I spent the winter of 2000 implementing all his fundamentals to the nth degree. Result.....a bad slice became substantially worse. My handicap rose to 19 and I gave serious thought about quitting the game. Fortunately, someone enlightened me that Hogan's book is not for the average golfer (slicer). His book, particularily the secret (cupped left wrist) should be renamed, "How I Cured My Hook."
That being said, for the first time since my Hogan winter, I'm now taking a serious look at TGM and I'm loving the results. I'm consciously achieving a flat left wrist at the top and experiencing a unique feeling as a result.....lag. My ball striking, though not comparable to yours, is better than ever.
But....it's possible that HK doesn't have the corner on the truth. It's quite conceivable that you have some insight too, ala "truth in the dirt." Please....JUST SAY IT DAVID!
If you can't/won't, then consider running for office (as a democrat). :>
Hopefully still your friend,
David Laville and I are the only ones in this forum who have seen you hit the ball. I can't speak for DL but I'm on record for testifying that you indeed have a suberb golf swing which results in consistent, impressive ball striking.
I also believe you understand the fundamentals of a golf swing and furthermore, are intelligent and articulate enough to explain it.
When I entered into this forum, I looked forward to a debate by which you would give serious challenge to the TGM-ers, enabling hacks like me to distinguish what is truth, what isn't.
But you haven't debated. You've dissed and danced, complaining about the rules, etc. Frankly David, I'm surprised by this.....you can do better!
You should easily be able to tell us what specific principles HK was correct in.....where he was incorrect, but you haven't. So I'm asking you, David. What specifically was heresy....what was truth??
I'm going to say the following based on personal experience re. your hero, Ben Hogan. The last swing theory I seriously digested was Hogan's 5 Fundamentals. I spent the winter of 2000 implementing all his fundamentals to the nth degree. Result.....a bad slice became substantially worse. My handicap rose to 19 and I gave serious thought about quitting the game. Fortunately, someone enlightened me that Hogan's book is not for the average golfer (slicer). His book, particularily the secret (cupped left wrist) should be renamed, "How I Cured My Hook."
That being said, for the first time since my Hogan winter, I'm now taking a serious look at TGM and I'm loving the results. I'm consciously achieving a flat left wrist at the top and experiencing a unique feeling as a result.....lag. My ball striking, though not comparable to yours, is better than ever.
But....it's possible that HK doesn't have the corner on the truth. It's quite conceivable that you have some insight too, ala "truth in the dirt." Please....JUST SAY IT DAVID!
If you can't/won't, then consider running for office (as a democrat). :>
Hopefully still your friend,