Tom Watson's comments?

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Is it possible that Mr.Watson's statement is an indictment against the vast majority of the golfing public who do not take lessons rather than one against poor instruction?
I also believe there is much credence in Martee's statement about poor students. How often do you see golfers take lessons and actually improve their game, only to revert to their old habits once they take their lessons to the course and play poorly (blaming their new swing techniques for their poor performance). It seems to happen quite often in my opinion.
quote:Originally posted by hue

I was spotting the Elkington, Faxon ,Montgomerie match on day one of the Open for ABC. Steve Elkington waggles and sets up to the ball just like Ben does in his video.

Two interesting things about Elks waggle, Last year when Steve first used the Doyle's waggle (for lack of a better name) the TV guys, Strange was one of them, didn't know what the yeck he was doing, Curtis a few mins later said Elk is thinking about getting his left forearm more into the shot. geez

And second, and this was very weird... yesterday, I watched the Grant-Hepburn movie, "Bringing Up Baby." Early in the movie Grant was playing a round of golf when he noticed Hepburn on another fairway.

Hepburn waggled exactly, EXACTLY like Elk. She had a nice swing too.

Check it out.
Hue wrote:

quote:Did Watson have teachers other than Byron Nelson later in his career? It would be interesting to know how he arrived at his conclusions with regard to today's and yesterday's teachers.

I remember reading Tom Watson saying that, I think it was before he went to Stanford, that he used to play regularly with some local Kansas City pros whose advice & company was invaluable. I can't remember their names.
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