Too big of a shoulder turn leads to hooks why?

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In to out and out to in both describe a straight line. In to in describes an arc.
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Hey D, I can swing from in to out and from out to in! Freeky, eh?

When I accidentally swing from in to out I can hit it 300yds and fairly straight. From out to in I'm a hacker. And when I swing "left" I'm just a complete joke.

mgranato: Are you really the Stig?

What is your Trackman path when you swing in to out?
i think swinging left is only a feel for people who's swinging too far to the right.

might not necessary look like swinging to the left.

Just like the twist away, it might feel like twist away bow wrist at the top, but it actually looks like flat for certain people.

Whatever works you, just stick with it.....if it ain't broke, dont' fix it.
Not him:


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Wulsy, what are you talking about?? What does TRYING to swing left have to do with anything? They all are....they're all standing to the side of the ball.

Do you understand Furyk zeroes out every single club in his bag? So by defintion he is swinging left.

are you saying that these golfers don't have "plane lines" left of their target when the ball is on the ground?
Wulsy, what are you talking about?? What does TRYING to swing left have to do with anything? They all are....they're all standing to the side of the ball.

You have to swing right before you swing left.

Look a Furyk in the picture. He is swinging right. His shoulders are so open though that he won't be able to swing right for long. Toms is the same. Duval is not, hence his different hand path post impact.

Do you understand Furyk zeroes out every single club in his bag? So by defintion he is swinging left.

Nope. It just means his clubhead has zeroed out.

Dariusz J.

New member
You have to swing right before you swing left.

Of course. That's why it's called in-to-in (in-to-out-to-in). Swinging left means that the clubhead starts to go left still being in the wide impact zone. I hope you understand swinging left NOT as swinging left from the top the whole downswing, do you ?
I have a strange feeling you misinterpret the notion.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Swinging left just means simply that, getting LEFT after impact instead of

1) swing more towards "The target"
2) swing more towards "right field"

That's it.

Do you have to do this? No, of course not. Most players don't otherwise they wouldn't be hitting so many draws all the time. It would be mostly straight shots to slight cut shots.

The whole thing is if, IF, you want to hit it straight AND you have a negative AOA you must swing left ENOUGH to make the ball go straight. That's just physics. But again, you don't have too. I don't, because i play a slight draw.
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