Kevin Shields
Super Moderator
Matt Killen........$260 hr. Am I reading that correctly? Maybe I need to raise my rates.
I saw that- absolutely ridiculous. Guess it pays to go to high school with Kenny Perry's son.
Michael Breed charges only $500/hr.
He obviously had some doors opened. But give the kid some credit, he has picked up quite a bit of business on his own.
Kevin, sorry we missed you in Az, but wow, that list is interesting to say the least.
The shame of it is that the guys who charge the most are the ones who are the best and most knowledgeable teachers......anyone got a bridge for sale.
There's a guy in my area who charges $70 a month and you can pop in anytime and get your swing videoed and analyzed. Sounds like a pretty decent idea.
Golf swing insurance!
I love that idea
There's a guy in my area who charges $70 a month and you can pop in anytime and get your swing videoed and analyzed. Sounds like a pretty decent idea.