Tour Quality?

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It's too steep for a Tour Pro. The driver should appear to be exiting the body or shoulder line. (See Ernie, Refief or Vijay at This does give the appearance of a swing with the weight not far enough back towards the heels.


quote:Originally posted by Mathew

quote:Originally posted by densikat

No, I pretty much meant what I said. Although it is by no means essential or imperative, it is the optimum in tgm terms. The flattening of the right wrist adds no power.

To quote Homer

"One must maintain a Flat Left Wrist until the end of Follow-Through. It can go to the finish if they stay with it properly for this does assure that it will not bend at all."

If you keep it flat all the way to finish, the amount of impact fix bend in the right wrist will be kept.

Your perfectly right, but if I was being really picky - the bending and unbending of the wrist can actually create power because it moves the club in space over a period time meaning their is thrust, its just its the application or usage is undesirable. It destroys the lagging right arm assembly downwards thus meaning the power is lost in the more important power producers. It also destroys the forward lean (descending blow) at impact giving variable loft meaning bad distance control....

Well said Mathew, well said.

the 'ol Mass vs speed problem again ;) gotta have them both!


Looks to me like he really knows the proper feel of the left side/thumb/back of hand/forearm.

would he agree to a very 'stable' left side feel? Perhaps prone to pulls, but a very solid motion from what I see. I think Morrison would agree.
quote:Originally posted by Redgoat

Resident gurus,

What do you think of this swing?
Good swing.
quote:What could be improved upon?
In my opinion, his transition is a touch steep. He saves the approach (actually he's slightly inside the plane in the "delivery position"), but, in doing so, he gets rather upright (spine angle) through impact.

These "faults" (IMO) being minor...

quote:What do you think is wrong, if anything, with the ball flight?
Occasional hooks (or pushes).

Would like to see Merizalde's sequence...
Dude, there are some really funny looking swings on tour, so whether or not it looks like a tour swing or not is pretty pointless -- what kind of scores does this guy shoot?

It looks to me like if his timing ever got off, he could hit some nasty snap hooks because of the position of his right shoulder. He kind of slides horizontally towards the target and catches up by unbending his right wrist.

I think a tour swing is one that is super consistent, regardless of how it looks. The move this guy makes, while being for the most part very good, looks to me like it relies a little too much on timing, which just ain't gonna be there every time you need it.

But, again, I'm an idiot. Take anything I say with a grain of salt.
Oh yeah, goat, I'm being extra picky because you wanted me too, right? This guy obviously can play. I'm not trying to piss in anyone's punch or anything like that.

No problem. That is the whole purpose of a forum, to exchange ideas.

I agree that there is too much lateral motion to initiate the downswing which causes his right side to "hang" back through impact.

I also agree with Jrb15 that the shaft is out to high as a result. However, I would also point out that the longest hitters generally have the shaft exiting a little higher, especially those who play predominantly right to left.

BTW, Matt you don't sound like an idiot to me.

IF you had seen me yesterday, you'd have thought I was an idiot. In frustration on the 15th green, I tried to throw my hat towards my golf bag. The wind caught it and blew it 15 yards left into a pond, whereupon my hat landed upside down, filled with water, and sunk before I could get to it.

That was typical of the bounces I was getting. Just one of those days.



At impact, I suspect he can feel a very solid left side, very left sided control. I know for me, when I strike the ball well, I can feel impact up my arm/shoulder/delts - I can feel the lag moving through, and the 'wall' of the stable left side at impact. When I am really swinging well, I can feel the thrust of the right side at the same instant. Fully supported impact.

Not sure if that clears it up since this is a subjective feel, just that I suspect that if asked, he might agree with this description. Best way to get the general idea - the same feeling as if hitting with only the left hand on the club.
Matt Taylor, your comments are not idiotic at all. Tom Watson is generally acclaimed to have one of the better swings around, but if you look at it frame by frame, suddenly it doesn't look so hot and Watson doesn't hold lag any longer than this guy. What frame by frame doesn't show perfectly well is that hard to define thing, "timing".

Ditto for Hal Sutton and probably 3/4 the pros on tour, IMHO. But they all have great short games.

At any rate, compare frame by frame with Bobby Jones...


quote:Originally posted by David Alford

At any rate, compare frame by frame with Bobby Jones...

I actually wouldn't totally agree here....

Bobby Jones was an excellent golfer and even some still think he would be good enough to play and win on the tour today. While I think the game has changed too much for that to be the case... IMO... his swing now looks by steel shafted days comparison faulty.

But ...

Remembering that he was playing with hickory which had an amazing amount of torque that most people unless they had played with those clubs wouldn't be able to appreciate - his motion had to take that into account..... Hence the big dragback, inside and up loop, cupped left wrist at top, gigantic hip motion, jumping left side through impact.... he found a way to play with clubs that can't be swung in todays fashion.... he still matched up well at impact.
Mathew, being curious, I bought some hickory shafted irons. Didn't make a bit of difference re: swing model. They weren't as good, of course.
Several years ago their was an aritcle in Golf Magazine featuring Nick Price. They gave Nick equipment to test from various time periods. Nick was suprised that he could hit quality shots with the hickory shafts.
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