Weaker players

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It's obvious you are obsessed with your golfswing and can't stand the thought that you are being obsoleted like last year's equipment. Seek help because science can rescue you from your dilemma.

Peace ..... (btw... "golfing" is grammatically incorrect because "golf" is a noun and not an adverb.)

Once again you fail to even cogently reply to my posts. Just a knee jerk reaction to a funny quote I simply enjoy....all in an effort to appear educated or superior. I hope you feel better now Professor SteveT.

You have no insight into my golf swing or into my relationship with Brian. Why do you insist in suggesting that you do? What evidence do you posses that I am in some sort of "dilemma"? Disliking sycophants or those that post unconsidered twaddle in no way infers that I have some sort of "dilemma".

As I have repeatedly stated, I actually DO work with Brian. How was your last lesson with our host? The idea that I'm being "obsoleted" seems to stem from some deep seated need on your part to seek attention. My golf swing is not in evidence here nor have I asked for your opinion of my golf swing. And I would appreciate it if you would keep your unfounded and uneducated opinions about my "obsolete" golf swing to your "scientific self". If I wanted opinions from random internet scrubs I'd go ask for them. Maybe you could start your own forum and I could ask you there?
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Out with the old, in with the new..

Is every thread now destined to tell us all how science will bring about a new era, everything we knew is obsolete, etc etc?

Maybe the Mayan calendar was referring to this event in golf..?
Brian and I go way back, and he suffered mightily from my brutal open attacks on his TGM beliefs now proven false. Brian took a lot of shit from me and even banned me several time (three I think)... but after he renounced TGM and I returned as SteveT, Brian was humble enough to personally admit his mistaken beliefs. He wanted a truly scientific basis to his teaching, and Trackman was what convinced Brian to seek correct science. I give him full credit for that, and know of no other golf teacher who has gone to such lengths to acquire knowledge from pure scientists who were publishing useless information for the ignorant masses.

I fully and wholeheartedly support Brian in his legitimate scientific quest, but he knows from me that science is a bitch, and you can't be totally absolute or else somebody like me who is familiar with the science will trip him up. Brian is and must be a pragmatist because teaching golf is his livelihood and he must satisfy a sufficiently large market of mostly disaffected golfers who want to improve.

You obviously are self-satisfied and seem to resist new knowledge, or perhaps fear progress that will obsolete you.

In truth, I have sympathy for Brian who is now on a new and challenging path for survival in a tough business because knowledge is a tough sell. I wish him well.

What's to say that in 20 years time the current scientific approach won't go the same way as TGM following some new discovery?


What's to say that in 20 years time the current scientific approach won't go the same way as TGM following some new discovery?
These are my thoughts exactly.I commend Brian and his team for their endeavour in seeking out the science in the golf swing but even science quite often gets obsoleted with time.

And I fully support the view of Otto who suggests that players will forever struggle with implementing swing ideas regardles of how scientificically correct they are.You will never build a major winner purely in the lab.

Teaching will always remain mostly an art form,catering to individual players who all have different issues.Science is merely a tool like a video camera.
It's obvious you are obsessed with your golfswing and can't stand the thought that you are being obsoleted like last year's equipment. Seek help because science can rescue you from your dilemma.

Peace ..... (btw... "golfing" is grammatically incorrect because "golf" is a noun and not an adverb.)

Boys boys boys... you gotta either be desperate if you think a new driver head will compensate.. or... you just love owning new toys ...:p

The screws are getting loose steveT, don't let the wheels fall off. Keep it together....


Is every thread now destined to tell us all how science will bring about a new era, everything we knew is obsolete, etc etc?

On the contrary. Doesn't the science confirm that a lot of what has been know for a long time is correct, and that it is the more recent 'junk' science that is wrong. Look back at the release thread, if you can bring yourself to wade through all the superfluous junk, and see how many old timers were doing this 'new' stuff long ago.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Out with the old, in with the new..

Is every thread now destined to tell us all how science will bring about a new era, everything we knew is obsolete, etc etc?

Maybe the Mayan calendar was referring to this event in golf..?

Quite the opposite. Often the science is telling some of us the everything we originally thought was correct:)


Not Kevin, but let me share my observations with you and the forum. Girl Sarah is a slip of a girl who is endowed with, ummm... 'bumps' that she must clear in the back and downswings... and she does a great job of it!!!

In the backswing she gets into a great top of swing position, and then at impact she does an amazing thing ... she not only clears her hips, she clears her chest too. This must limit her application of centripetal force, but she has certainly found a neat solution to her particular physique.

Actually, Sarah has a better chance of bombing the ball than does an obese man with a belly 'bump' that forces him to abort his body rotation by blocking his hips so the momentum of his belly mass is contained. Block your hips and your shoulders will block instantaneously... ergo low shoulder torque and an over-the-top swing. Also no significant X-factor because the hips and shoulders rotate in unison.

Looking at the other girl golfer, she is modestly endowed and her swing looks more man-like. Both girls are young and great swingers.

It's the 'bio' part of biomechanics.

thanks Steve.


I'd say it's unorthodox but I don't know her or her ballflght so can't really comment on if it helps or hurts. I try not to say something would be good or bad by the way it looks and I'm also not a big fan of every video in super slo mo. Can't see the rhythm of the swing.

cool deal thanks Kevin.
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