Birdie - always enjoy your posts on here and other sites. With your swing - looks like you stand up a bit at impact and your bum gets closer to the ball (at least to my uncultured eyes!). That's something i am trying to sort out in my swing - do you work on that at all?
I see it too.
It is on the list no doubt. I try to work on most things that are not orthodox. Not all though. There are too many players with quirks to list. I am not sure if this is a quirk of sorts but my next round of videos for sure will try to address this among other things.
I wouldn't mind keeping a few quirks though to keep it interesting.
That is to say, I don't mind being quirkY.
Thx NWB.
I think you should show a before and after for the (doubters) folks like Brucifier. I remember the first ones I saw long ago.
Great Job Paul!
When I saw the DTL view, I almost shed a tear of joy.
You look like a golfer.
Thanks Brian!! I will round up some of my older vids. Too bad my own computer is down but there are a few on the net already.
Do you have any thoughts on my downswing? I come out of my waist bend (with a hump of the imaginary woman) then back into it.
I wish the video quality and angles were better...
Ooooo, would i love to see a little more weight of the left foot so you could hover a little more in the transition. Makes it easier to swing left. Hips look a little reversed to me...hangin left a touch. Makes for a fast transition and a hump through the ball. Nice speed tho. Love the signature follow through!
I think I have video of me putting more weight on the right foot. I'm not sure what you mean with the hips. I do hump lots in the downswing!
My finish is about the only thing I have always liked in my swing.
Thanks Kevin. Keep it comin if you have it.