Yeah, baby, yeah! Just easy does it, more carry, softer. Really sit on that left leg in the fall and THEN beat it.
Thanks Austin. (Powers)
I mean Kevin Shields, Secret Agent Man.
I must say, I have had troubles when swinging and putting real smoothly in the past. (not when I had to time a flip though) I wonder if I am meant to be more of an Arnold Palmer. I absolutely will try it though man.
A patient transition. More carry.
How important is the planting of the left heel, stepping (crush) on the can as opposed to kicking or knocking it over, with iron and driver?
Great question. This goes with Kevin's tip. (above) I started a thread on this a while back but didn't finish writing the OP.
How and when to do it?.........with different clubs/shots?
It is basically one way to accomplish a "carry" move, yes? How does "catch the drop" fit in?
Not much since playing junior tournaments. Soon enough Aaron.
I haven't had Poutine in 15 years!
Remember, I'm trying to help you. I don't mind you disregarding my comments but my concern is for YOUR IMPROVEMENT:
My take: your preshot waggle is a little quirky and thus my request to see if it calms down when you walk through a shot. Shouldn't take more than 12 seconds... right now you fidget over the ball a lot for a dude hitting balls on the range. If you had some HEAT on you, you might be Fidgy Fidgerson. Great toque btw...
Like Kevin says: CARRY CARRY CARRY.
It's was a tough lesson for me, but it has helped immeasurably.
and the Poutine, er Routine is REALLY IMPORTANT.... Auto pilot.
Good luck Paul!
Thanks Martin!
Ok I get it now- I just didn't know before why you were strongly emphasizing that I get into a routine. I actually was going about it more like I would on the course when the camera wasn't rolling now that I think of it.
Again, I don't know that I will ever be a "smoothie" but I will try anything. (and over again until I can integrate it or push it aside) A lot has changed with my game and I'll consider everything you've said.
Poutine...! Delicious but it's not good to eat too much of that stuff no doubt. I knew a guy who ate a "double double" (gravy/cheese) a few times a week in high school. He is still alive last I heard...but I presume bleeds rich brown cheesy goopy goodness.
birdie, my one tip regarding the hips-moving-towards-ball problem would be, from the top, to get your left shoulder behind you ASAP.
i think
Man I have a big To Do list eh Pecky. I will try it and something like it no doubt. Why not.
I could watch Vijay hit balls all day. My favorite.
I watched him at The PGA Whistling Straits. Hit low faded 3 woods onto a green all day long with Padraig doing the same beside him drawing it.
I like his swing and do like his tempo as well. I used to relate to it very strongly a while back. I actually imagined his swing as a sort of "trigger."
I mostly posted this thread to show some sort of a progression and hoping it would reflect well on Brian. I wish I had more videos, including all the way back to when I was a flipper.
It is always a little iffy when you post a swing on the internet for anyone to comment on.
An honest thanks to everyone who offered constructive criticism.