If that is a compliment thank you. For the record, it was one hour.
It must be said that this is a very talented lady. She has tremendous coordination and is an extremely good listener.
The two major issues were her address position and her lack of knowledge about how the body allows the hands and arms to work properly.
Standing further from the ball bent her over more allowing her shoulders to turn on a steeper plane (nice work ragman). Because she was far enough from the ball at address, she was able to rotate her body on the downswing and allowed her to turn the back of her left hand to the ground at impact.
This allowed her left arm to entend and created the proper impact alignments.
I Encouraged her to go slower and shorter with her swing and exaggerate and there it was. This was an unusally strong imrovement and made both of us quite happy.
That is why I love teaching!
If that is a compliment thank you. For the record, it was one hour.
It must be said that this is a very talented lady. She has tremendous coordination and is an extremely good listener.
The two major issues were her address position and her lack of knowledge about how the body allows the hands and arms to work properly.
Standing further from the ball bent her over more allowing her shoulders to turn on a steeper plane (nice work ragman). Because she was far enough from the ball at address, she was able to rotate her body on the downswing and allowed her to turn the back of her left hand to the ground at impact.
This allowed her left arm to entend and created the proper impact alignments.
I Encouraged her to go slower and shorter with her swing and exaggerate and there it was. This was an unusally strong imrovement and made both of us quite happy.
That is why I love teaching!