You need a different swing within irons too, not just woods vs. irons

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Did you watch the linked video above that brian did on acceleration? that's exactly what he talks about (you're on the right path btw)

I think all the better players know about this exactly. They probably don't even realize they're doing it because it's become near automatic. I know I have to "wait" much more with my body when I'm swinging the driver than I am with a short iron. Especially now that I'm setting up more closed with my driver than every. It's still hell trying to figure out all the different bits of timing.


I actually played this weekend thinking about the acceleration video ideas the whole time. What is funny is my short irons were better. More research to come.
Did you watch the linked video above that brian did on acceleration? that's exactly what he talks about (you're on the right path btw)

Thx Jim. I feel I am on the right track.
Just watched the video. I think stuff is startting to really sink into this noggin of mine. Takes a while. But I do agree with your premise. Never bought into the "one swing fits all" theory.


I'm with you on this topic too Jim
I was getting to much variability with my distance control with the 8 iron because i would hit it like a long iron one day then like short iron another day that I took the 8 iron out of my bag
I feel I can just hit a smooth 7 iron or hard 9 iron to make up the gap plus it reinforces the idea of separate swings for short and long iron
Very interesting & enlightening stuff. I am a very aggresive swinger, and I have always been much better with my short irons than longer ones, or with the driver.

This brings up another interesting point - with different swings, maybe the one flex iron set-up would be obsolete?
( especially in better players who have the time & physical ability to practice this and get really good with it? )
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