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  1. M

    Recovering from back surgery - Instructor recommendations

    I'm recovering from lower back surgery (fragments in lower lumbar area). Injury was NOT golf related nor have I ever had back problems before. I'm a one handicap but now concerned that I might need to change my motion to eliminate future strain on lower back. Are there any instructors that...
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    Help....I continue to really struggle and am not sure which stroke methodology to go with. Over the years I've gone back and forth between swinging and hitting my putts. I really want to putt with a swinging motion because that's the way I play the rest of my shots (2 handicap), but can never...
  3. M

    Hitting Putts

    I'm finally ready to change my putting stroke. Since I use a swinging action for full shots, I kept trying that with putting, I just can't seem to get any consistency. I tried a hitting action with my putter and got a much better roll. While I understand the basic motion, what is the...
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    Recovering from broken right foot

    It's been a slow recovery from a broken right foot last winter. I'm finally playing golf again, but can't stop swinging flat footed. I'm really getting into a bad habit on the downswing now. The ankle is still sore, but strong enough to work better than it is. How can I get my pivot back...
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    Rolling the Rock ?

    Brian, I just read your 2004 'Rolling the Rock' article. What is the best way to strike the ball slightly above the balls equator with a forward leaning club? Is it easier to start in this position at address or pull inward with arms (to raise putter height) and create lag in right wrist (to...
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    Takeaway with Rt Wrist Bending Back, not cocking

    I've always had a tendency to get my hands too far outside going back (and the clubhead too inside). I've found the planeboard the best way for me to feel my hands more in and the right elbow getting on plane (clubshaft) earlier. Unfortunately when I use the planeboard, I also feel as my right...
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    Belly Putting

    Brian, What do you think of using a belly putter? How does TGM address using one? Is it still angled hinging on an inclined plane, but with the grip fixed to a stationary point? Thanks,
  8. M

    Right Shoulder Motion on Downswing

    I'm struggling to get the right shoulder motion correct on the downswing. In my current swing, the plane my shoulders rotate on changes little on the downswing, so I beleive I must change this. Is it the increase in axis tilt that lowers the right shoulder or something else? How can I do this...
  9. M

    Amount of Bend in Right Wrist

    Assuming that I start at address from a classical position with right wrist flat, how much bend should the right wrist have in the backswing? Also, where in backswing should that bend begin and end? How much of the bend in the right wrist is retained at impact?
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    Slack - What do you mean by this term?

    Brian, what do you mean by the term "slack". I'm not completely clear on this. Thanks, -Mark
  11. M

    Chuck's eBook - worth buying?

    Is Chuck's eBook worth purchasing? I aleady have TGM and Brian's video. Does Chuck get into TGM or try to put Homer's terms into his words?
  12. M

    Dowels - Now that I have them, what do I do?

    Could someone point me in the right direction? Now that I've purchased several dowels, what are the drills I do with them. Is there a link to one of Yoda's explanations? Thanks,
  13. M

    Make a Proper Waggle

    There isn't much instruction regarding the waggle anyone. Hogan and others of his time placed more emphasis on it. I remember the uniqueness of Bobby Clampett's right arm/elbow waggle when I first watched him in the late 70's. Brian, is there a correct way to waggle from a TGM prpspective...
  14. M

    Tomasello's throwing the club down w/right forearm

    Tomasello's "throwing the club down with the right forearm" sounds alot like Croker's "uncocking under" - a feel that doesn't actually occur!! Golf Illustrated: If the hands aren't doing anything, then what's swinging the club? Tomasello: Here we get into the terminology that scares people...
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    Proper Waggle

    What is the proper way to make a TGM waggle (vs. the Hogan type)?
  16. M

    Right forearm tracing clubshaft plane

    I understand the concept of the right forearm tracing the plane line, but am struggling to feel it. I even have a planeboard. I guess the difficulty starts with the fact that my right forearm and elbow start above the plane. When do they get onplane? At waisthigh? What is the motion on the...
  17. M

    TGM book versions - best to read

    I have a 1979 (I believe it's the 4th edition) version of Thg Golfing Machine. I haven't opened it in over 20 years, but reading this forum I now have the desire to begin learning TGM again. Is this a good version to read or is the most recent version better (clearer) to understand and improve...
  18. M

    Why do some TGM players & teachers abandon TGM

    I've been curious about TGM since Clampett first came onto the national scene in '78 and TGM gained attention (even have a third edition version). One question I have is why do some top players and teachers that were A1's (Mac O'Gardy, Bobby Clampett, Peter Croker, Jody Mudd...) leave TGM for...
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    Long Hitter - Very Little Lag

    I've always been a long hitter (very Ballard type motion), but have never had much lag. I have a difficult time buying the argument that clubhead lag = distance. I do think, however, that this lack of lag might be a reason for my inconsistency and wildness off the tee. That's why I'm on this...
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    Swing Plane Board

    How useful is a plane board for waist-high to waist-high drills (assuming it is setup correctly)? Has anyone actually made their own?