Left knee moving towards the ball and hips rotating outside of left leg

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Some great thoughts and analysis by Jeffy. I think my swing is a lot like the one analyzed - a decent turn back but a big move forward and enough rotation.



Well I hit over 2 buckets of balls today trying to work on several things. Wasn't really successful with anything other than keeping both feet on ground entire swing.

1. Tried opening the right hip alot more. Was hitting a weak cut. I guess one way to cure the hooks.
2. Tried keeping my right elbow away from my body. This will help some, need to work on my timing, but did make it harder to release the club.
3. Was turning my back to the target on bs and was holding closed on DS. As much as I was wanted this to work, it was pretty detrimental. Several shanks and thin shots were hit.
4. Tried bowing out my knees, didn't help although I couldn't accomplish it on the DS unless I slightly did it on the bs.
5. The entire session I was focusing on staying on my right foot and getting a little bend away from the target at address. I really work on not moving lower body on DS, yet the harder I try the more difficult it gets.
Whenever I get that stuck on the downswing, I focus on swinging left. It keeps me from sliding so far forward and my hands from going out into right field.


Yea everytime I swing left I hit a massive pull hook. Having several lessons with brian over the years, swinging left was not ever a focus. For some reason I make even more of a lateral slide.

Thinking about going back to the LCT.



New member
Well I hit over 2 buckets of balls today trying to work on several things. Wasn't really successful with anything other than keeping both feet on ground entire swing.

1. Tried opening the right hip alot more. Was hitting a weak cut. I guess one way to cure the hooks.
2. Tried keeping my right elbow away from my body. This will help some, need to work on my timing, but did make it harder to release the club.
3. Was turning my back to the target on bs and was holding closed on DS. As much as I was wanted this to work, it was pretty detrimental. Several shanks and thin shots were hit.
4. Tried bowing out my knees, didn't help although I couldn't accomplish it on the DS unless I slightly did it on the bs.
5. The entire session I was focusing on staying on my right foot and getting a little bend away from the target at address. I really work on not moving lower body on DS, yet the harder I try the more difficult it gets.

That sounds about right, the harder you try the harder it gets. Frustrating game at times. The holding your back to the target closed on the d.s. would definetly not help you but only make things a lot worse, at this point it would be like adding fuel to the fire.
What happens if you just try to get the club head to the ball as fast as you can after slowly moving your hands(not clubhead) away from the target to start the downswing? I'm thinking that moving the hands(not clubhead) away from the target slowly to start the downswing will keep you from sliding too far forward and keep some of the weight back longer.


Sounds good. That was the feeling when the release thread came out and worked for several weeks than slowly went away.

Looking at my swing in the mirror, it seems the more I bend and keep bent the right knee throughout the swing, the easier it is to stay on my right side and not early extend and move laterally in the DS.
You can call it what you want. I see the club, the WHOLE club. Hit that space everytime. No math in my head could ask me to teach that out of you. I'd go out and play from every lie available with that swing above. I ain't surprised Brian helped you build that "Lct 2010 swing".

Ps Just stand there...On the "bend": it should be a result of your motion to get the club up and away. Remember pull back, run up, and jump...I wouldn't over think "bend" at your address position.
What's your handicap? Or better yet your average scores on a decent course. Just curious how well that swing is performing for you, before I make a comment. If you're not a low single digit player - do you have common misses, poor shots - what are they? How long have you been playing the game? Are you hitting into a field, park - is that I-95?


What's your handicap? Or better yet your average scores on a decent course. Just curious how well that swing is performing for you, before I make a comment. If you're not a low single digit player - do you have common misses, poor shots - what are they? How long have you been playing the game? Are you hitting into a field, park - is that I-95?

Handicap is a 2, I play at a very difficult resort course. Swing is not performing well at all. The course is 7100 yds so the driver and long irons play a significant role. Luckily I have an excellent short game. Been playing for 7yrs now. I am hitting into sand dunes outside my house and I never go retrieve the balls, rattlesnake pits.


You can call it what you want. I see the club, the WHOLE club. Hit that space everytime. No math in my head could ask me to teach that out of you. I'd go out and play from every lie available with that swing above. I ain't surprised Brian helped you build that "Lct 2010 swing".

Ps Just stand there...On the "bend": it should be a result of your motion to get the club up and away. Remember pull back, run up, and jump...I wouldn't over think "bend" at your address position.

Yea I was pretty long with that swing but my miss was big hooks. It is the only pattern that has ever actually looked different than my stock swing.

Would u go into a little more detail about the bend?
OK, 2 handicap - nice game! Not sure I want to comment. What does "swing is not performing well at all" mean? Not very missed shots I take it? Most all are solid? On-line ball flight? 7 iron goes how far? Driver distance?


No comments are good, my ballstriking is the worst part of my game. Swing performance especially lately has been very poor. I hit maybe 3 drives in the center of the clubface the rest in the heel. I hit my irons very high and when I miss it is generally thin or left. My thin misses usually stay on target and are about the right distance. I normally take extra club since I am at sea level and the wind is pretty constant out of the same direction. My 7 iron here is 165, farther north it is around 175. Distance with driver on avg is prolly 285 due to the fact I hardly hit it in the center of clubface, but when i do every bit of 300. Farther north I avg 300+ with driver.
On the big hooks: I would consult Brian on the D-Plane regarding tee shots and off the ground shots.

On the bend: I am referring to your down the line swing at the snake pit. Your tush line is way, way back before you move, and cannot go deeper in and up on your move away. In simple words you've got to have space to move into. Your business is behind you.

Brian Manzella

Some really good content on this thread and Jeffy did a great job with the 4 POINT PLAN.

I think that there is simply not enough arm swing.

Too much ARM DRAG.

Need to figure out how to duo the OPPOSITE of what many would think he needs to do.

Brian Manzella

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/31938776?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="768" height="432" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe>


Brian, thank u very much for the video response. I appreciate u taking the time to do that for me. It was simple and very clear. I am going to work on staying above the plane line and using all arms on the DS.
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