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    OCTOBER 10, 2006 — 7:00 EDT — LIVE THREAD

    We will start on time.
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    A Plan for PEACE....and Learning!

    Once upon a time, Mike Hebron had a good idea: "An International Golf Teaching Summit" It was sabotaged by the PGA before it went to post and has deteriorated into a SEMINAR that is so sanitized, most teachers who WANT TO LEARN, don't go. Silly me, I always go. Hopeful. I always return...
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    Why do some students fail to improve?

    Rundmc, on another thread brought a very good point. He recalled Steve (four barrels) saying that students were "mentally challenged" if they didn't improve with good information (like what Steve teaches). Great question. Lets discuss.
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    A Manzella swing, just for fun.

    Haven't got to play much since Katrina. 9 rounds. Haven't hit many balls. Way less than 9 buckets. But I always ticker and research.... This is a swing I made trying to do a few things I haven't done in a long time. Pretty good Alignments, no...
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    OCTOBER 3RD, 2006 — 8:00 EDT — LIVE THREAD

    Hello folks, We can talk about anything that is on your minds tonight. The Takeaways and The Pivot discussions are just ideas. It is now 7:58 EDT.... If anyone is away:
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    Finney in Flash

    This is our own Mike Finney in a recent video that has been previously "released" on this site in Quicktime. This is a real-life model of a Manzella taught pattern. Highlights: Neutral Grip Mid-body hands at Address Double Shift (near) Maximum Trigger Delay VISUALLY FLAT Left Wrist at the Top...
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    New BRIAN MANZELLA article — September 2006

    Hey, Golf Teachers of the world… Do you have the Answer or just the Antidote? There will always be competing ideas in the golf instruction business. It is no different from any other business that sells ideas or training of any kind. Whether it is the “head centered pivot” vs. the “spine...
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    Manzella Report from Chicago

    I had a great session with a private group and a 5 1/2 hour session on the range and the course with a really super guy who got a lot better. Today, I will freeze, but I have a three hour session, followed by a two and two "ones." Then I'll work some with our own Jim_0068. When I thaw out...
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    The HOGAN PRINT and a common misconception

    ColtsFan, This lack of factual knowledge of Mr. Hogan's real history, is not your fault. Lots of folks have no idea about the man, or his history. As for these photos: They were taken in 1948 at Augusta National, and in the three years which ended in 1948, Ben Hogan won 30 tournaments. 30...
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    Ryder Cup Thoughts...

    Ryder Cup Prediction If Woods has a winning record and the rookies spilt or better... USA wins. Simple as that. Those putts that Colin keeps making in these Ryder Cups, HAVE TO start missing. Maybe, this will be the year that the EUROs stink it up. But: If Woods has a winning record and...
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    What a good pivot looks like...and doesn't

    Once apon a time in a land (that seems so) far away, there was a little community of teachers. They all had at least two things in common, and they all also could make nice looking swings. They knew what a good pivot looked like and they knew what didn't. Anyhoo, enough dreaming.... This is a...
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    SOLD OUT! — Brian Manzella Tour Stop - Long Island, New York (October 18, 19 & 20)

    SOLD OUT! — Brian Manzella Tour Stop - Long Island, New York (October 18, 19 & 20) I will make a decison on this "Tour stop" by Thursday. Location: Rock Hill Golf and Country Club 105 Clancy Road Manorville, NY 11949 Teaching Home of Michael Jacobs, GSED Dates: October 18, 19 & 20 If you...
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    Two Different Pivots (with pictures) — Part 2

    Now that I have found a very good example of a "Centered Head Pivot"—Jim Hardy student Olin Browne, I have posted his swing, and that of Payne Stewart, to compare and contrast the "Centered Head Pivot,' with a "Point Between the Shoulders-type Pivot." My opinion on this is very simple, I like...
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    Brian Manzella Chicago "Tour Stop" — SOLD OUT

    Me and my wife Lisa will be in the Windy City from September 26th through the 29th. My "Tour Stop" is SOLD OUT for Tuesday the 26th and Wednesday the 27th. I will be teaching at a private facility on those dates. But, I am available for a few hours on Thursday the 28th. I will be teaching...
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    Tiger Woods. He's the best. This IS his swing, get over it.

    Isn't it funny? The guy is probably the best ever, but if he doesn't fit your model, he "really swings different sometimes," or it is "bad camera angles." Please. The guy is the best, and he doesn't put his head in the middle of his stance, and he sure doesn't use it as a tripod. He turns...
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    The "Real" Turned Shoulder Plane

    My personal opinion. I have checked with noted TGM experts besides myself. They agree. Here ya go:
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    Best Swing Ever?

    This is a sequence of Lee trevino when he hit it "as good as he ever did." The first two years on the Senior Tour. Here it is:
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    Teach 'em what they need to do...and that they can!

    This was a pretty good little job of writing and explaining, if I do say so myself. I never got any credit for doing that with the Juniors. None. Zero. Nada. So what? By doing the clinics, I got better at doing this so I can help the WHOLE WORLD play better. Me and Mike Finney did one like...
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    Luke Donald Pivot Analysis

    Here yet another young golfer with a pivot I like. So much to like....and THAT'S the truth.