Spike, I think you'll find that the degree of right heel lift is directly related to the amount of angular movement(towards the target) and bending of the right knee.
Don't forget the swing works from the ground up....
When the right knee bends, the left heel has to raise, thus extending the angle between toe and shin, which allows you to maintain your height.
If you bent the right knee without extending the right ankle, you would lose height at your hips......
Except, when the right knee bends the RIGHT heel has to raise,but i take that to be a printo as the post is very good.puttmad!
imho great ball strikers in history would include,Hogan,Knudson,Niclaus,Norman(greg,but huge case for Moe too),faldo(precision if not power),lyle,els and more recently mr woods.There are many others such as jones etc,but video evidence is sketchy at best and im way too young to remember him,but from ALL the(great) swings ive seen right heel lifts PRIOR to impact AND right heel leads toe.
if not,and this is only my opinion,left leg straightens,right hip lowers and tail bone is not leading pivot train.
My previous coments on reverse pivot was really relating to lack of weight on left foot in follow thro,absolutely nothing to do with backswing position(swaying too much to the right)more to do with rotating and not shifting.
david mccallum
Ps.jim if you look at the divots in the picture,its very easy to see which divot is fresh and where it is going, plus the others line up with it beautifully.