Oh, the heel with it,,,,Go Tiger Woods!
If this has been covered, apologies in advance...
As Tiger continues the revamping of his swing, one of the areas of focus happens to be his footwork. With his quest to Tigerize his swing, to own it as Hogan historians feel Hogan accomplished, Tiger and his coach are borrowing/emualting Hogan's footwork.
If we were to dig up some old photos of Tiger giving it a rip, I think we'll see not only his right heel up, but also his left heel is up somehwere near, at, or through the impact zone as well. The dude was giving it all she's got with the maximum assist from the ground forces. Did this help him? Well, the scorecard doesn't ask how, but it's all about how many, and that translated into a bunch of wins. Obviously, it worked.
But, the perfectionist that Tiger is, and maybe as a result of a knee injury, the search remains to better his swing. One area that he is working on is keeping his left foot down, especially the heel, through the impact area. The right heel lifts, but it's with the right heel leading the toes through impact. Bottom line, with his new swing, not only does Tiger want to bomb it, he wants more accuracy. I am not certain the stats reveal more consistency, but the intent is this component change in mechanics and feel will get him to be more long and straight while pursuing the tigerized Tiger.
personally, I 've tried to keep the right heel down, and it hurts. Maybe I've exaggerated it, but
Different strokes for different folks...