aagghh, you got owned
robertkhill said:From Webster's dictionary-with particular attention to 3c which I think describes Brian pretty accurately.
Main Entry: 1en·gi·neer
Pronunciation: "en-j&-'nir
Function: noun
Etymology: alter. of earlier enginer, from Middle English, alteration of enginour, from Middle French engigneur, from Old French engignier to contrive, from engin
1 : a member of a military group devoted to engineering work
2 obsolete : a crafty schemer : PLOTTER
3 a : a designer or builder of engines b : a person who is trained in or follows as a profession a branch of engineering c : A PERSON WHO CARRIES THROUGH AN ENTERPRISE BY SKILLFULL OR ARTFUL CONTRIVANCE 4 : a person who runs or supervises an engine or an apparatus
You don't belong here if you can't even figure out who wrote the post! Work on those reading comprehension skills before tackling engineering.mngolfer said:I submit that item 3c. is there to explain all of the garbage men (sanitation engineers), drafters and now golf instructors too that falsely call themselves engineers when they're not. Webster's does not dictate societal mores they only report them.
But, to keep it ON TOPIC (sort of), Mike Austin was an engineer, (and kinesiologist and psychologist and actor and pga pro and opera singer ...) not a phony, fake (item 3c) engineer claiming to be something his was not, a REAL DEGREED honest to goodness engineer. He also believed golf instructors should be required to study human anatomy and kinesiology... but they are not. Wonder if instructors here have?
Brian, wow, you're surrounded by engineers . Next time you are at a family gathering try this: stand up and proudly proclaim that you too are an engineer and see what kind of looks you get... I guarantee the (real) engineers in the family will be at least thinking: "like he** you're an engineer". Enough... I don't belong here. Adios golfing amigos.
Brian Manzella said:And btw, the test I took, was DAMN hard.
Doug said:Mike's # 1 requirement Steady head
Reason my hair is MIA
Shadyfap said:Greetings to everyone over here in the Manzella camp!
I would like to start out by apologizing to Brian for the invasion of MAers. The only thing we usually agree on is that Mike was a genious. Everything after that we love to argue about and have proven it on several occaisions.![]()
There are those that know what they are talking about, those that desperately want to learn and those who think they know what they are talking about...guess which ones are the most dangerous.![]()
Regarding the actually does several things. The main functions are to train your body not to move your swing circle center, not to let your hands and arms get out of posistion and to promote a good strong release through the ball.
thinkin2 said:Hey, vanquish, if you do a google on "flammer", a number of sites come up. Good luck.
vanquish said:Shadyfap
Thanks for your reply, do you use the flammer and were can you purchase it?
vanquish said:Jerry,
Is the flammer worth having?