Bent left wrist and Open clubface

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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
If the laid-off/across shaft position at the top was caused by difference in forearm rotation, wouldn't the same forearm rotation at impact cause the same thing (more/less open)?.

This may be trivial, but I'm still wondering about the original question's cup closing the face at impact part: Can you cup your left wrist AND keep all else equal AND still have sweetspot at the ball?
Yeah, I used to do it all the time. But the ball will still go left.

Brian Manzella

Here are some basic concepts....

#1. Everything is relative to the plane the golfer is swinging on.

#2. When the club is upside down, everything is opposite.

Example #2A:

If you rotated the PLANE and the club and the left arm at address—as a unit, until the clubface and plane and left arm were 45° open, the PLANE LINE would be rotated to the right.


Maintained to the top that all gets reversed.

The PLANE LINE would be pointing way LEFT of the target.
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