Confessions is Gold

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Just want to let you know that Confessions of a former flipper really is amazing. It's really going to help me Brian.

I have had my plane, my takeaway hand alignments (bent right, flat left), pivot, blahblah etc. etc. pretty much spot on for a while...I would always hit the ball pretty solid but sprayed it inconsistently. Aiming point was prolly too far back- release too early behind the ball- timing the flip. I understood Aiming Point before but always had a bit of trouble doing it.

The part in your video that really did it for me was when you talked about float loading. This is what the missing piece was for me. With float loading the extensor action seems exaggerated on the backswing but I've realized that my swing was prolly too long and I was "collapsing the string" (my left arm) a bit.

I don't really feel like I am hitting at the back of the ball now, I feel like I am hitting through the ball for a few inches...mashing it into the ground (EDIT: I guess that's Sustaining the Line of Compression). Feels like what Lee Trevino looks like, if that makes sense. I understand now that the flip is only after impact- after you have hit Low Point with a proper Aiming Point.

That Divot Drill is awesome too man...really grooves that Aiming Point and the impact alignments in your logo.

This video has just really tied all the pieces together so was just what I needed man. More solid short irons and no more savage hooks with longer clubs (from an Aiming Point that's too far back/timing the flip). Everything is straighter and simpler.

Thanks Brian. I always knew you were a great teacher but this just really wowed me. Really man...Brian "the real deal" Manzella.
Yoda - Take it up and down the plane line use a left arm karate chop (throw out move)
to contact.
Brian - Take it up and down the plane use the pivot (turning hips) to power the left arm to contact.

Am I understanding correctly?

Brian Manzella

Not exactly.

Lynn like the hands to MAKE the pivot respond.

In FLIPPER, I am saying the hands GIVE ORDERS and the pivot does all the work.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Not exactly.

Lynn like the hands to MAKE the pivot respond.

In FLIPPER, I am saying the hands GIVE ORDERS and the pivot does all the work.

What is the difference bewtween "MAKE" and "GIVE ORDERS"? Wouldn't the pivot respond to both in the correct manner? Body leads the hands that lead the clubhead.

I know something is different in the two strokes. Lynn has a far less active lower body and Ben actively fires the right hip but I'm sure the pivot is correct in both strokes.

Just confused and can't sleep. LOL

Brian Manzella

The great MYSTERY....hand controlled pivot.....hmmmmm.

Today, I, your 50 lb. overweight host, hit 10 drivers at a green 300 yards away into a mild breeze.

8 balls at least hole-high.

I didn't warm up. I have played in 10 days. Last bucket, 11 days ago.


Pivot POWERED hand controlled Pivot.

I think all three of us just SAY IT different.
The hand controlled pivot is a mystery for many, especially neophytes. The mere thought of the pivot doing anything scares many into thinking they crossed over to the darkside of pivot controlled hands. Not so.
Homer’s “massive vehicle” transports the Power Package Assembly and as long as it does NOTHING to interfere or alter that delivery you can live happily into the realm of Hand Controlled Pivot.
Bend down to pick up a coin or reach across a table to grab a pen. It was the hand’s job to gather the coin & pen but it was the body motion (pivot) that delivered the hand to do its job and without much thought about how to move the body either- just the focus on the hands task.

A good pivot is ignored labor- trained and trusted.</u>

As I said, Lynn has a quiet lower body- I supposed the Hit Stroke has something to do with it-more stable support than circular motion. I believe in the Swing Stroke since it generates a more circular rotary action, the pivot is more visible and therefore freaks out some into thinking they are pivot controlling.

Brian? How do you put more power into the pivot? From hips? Shoulders? Any dangers?
IT is an interesting question. Lynn discusses the right arm doing all the work (inert left arm). Brian talks about the left arm (pivot/frisbee throw).


Two sides of the same coin, it is the BALANCE between the hands and pivot that is the key ;)

Pivot = power
Hands = accuracy

Brian Manzella

Vijay watched the Shell's WWofG video of the famous Hogan vs. Snead match in '65 at HCC.

He noticed that BOTH had the same hip action through the ball....the FRISBEE-like move.

He COPIED the move and since then, he has won about 12 times!
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Vijay watched the Shell's WWofG video of the famous Hogan vs. Snead match in '65 at HCC.

He noticed that BOTH had the same hip action through the ball....the FRISBEE-like move.

He COPIED the move and since then, he has won about 12 times!

Wow what a great image man. Frisbee move. That fits Hogan's hip turn thru the ball perfectly.
Is there a way to turn the pivot or hips in a golf swing that does not appear frisbee-like? Was is a frisbee style hip action? Is is level hips or something else?
I played a lot of frisbee and hit a lot of baseballs and set a record tossing the discus in school. The hip action seems the same for all. What am I missing about this hip action?
It just looks like a frisbee action to me man. I don't really understand it either...the image just really seems to fit Hogan's swing.

My guess is that it has something to do with his rear leg and how his knee is not so braced and the bend is not fully maintained...and that he has a full hip turn.
From Homer's notes:
"Downstroke hip motion is always parallel to delivery line" and
"The left arm is almost useless except as accumulator #4 in pivot strokes. The release comes as the left am leaves the chest."
Drag loading Arc of Approach requires:
1.Pre-turned hips at takeaway
2.A sliding downstroke body motion(laterla, parallel to the delivery line, then rotaional hip movement parallel to the base of the inclined plane).
3. A circle delivery path
4. The right forearm tracing the Arc of Approach (on line motion).


quote:Originally posted by 6bee1dee

The hand controlled pivot is a mystery for many, especially neophytes.

Hand controlled pivot instruction on TGM forums often ASSUMES that the pivot is already trained. Unfortunately, that disclaimer is not written loud and clear, especially for beginners, like myself. Homer makes it clear that hands and arms can only partially fix a faulty pivot, and that zone #1, the pivot, must be trained first. Slowly moving the arms and hands and watching the body respond as a result works great in theory, except that this won't work in a full speed swing unless the body and pivot have a clue.At this stage, hands controlled pivot is personally akin to walking on a thin plank carrying a balance bar.
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