Got to love these PGA articles!

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I think most students are looking for that quick fix and aren't really into the whole swing changing experience. Too often instructors are applying one compensation to fix one or more compensations that the student already has. I would like to see instructors sit down with students and talk about what it is they want. I would imagine that in many cases a quick fix won't last long but is the guy willing to go through a lengthy method of change? Like softconsult says, it's a matter of communication.
I would think that a successful instructor needs to master open ended questioning techniques. My experience is that this is the best way to open lines of communication. With most people you have to sort of drag it out of them.

No doubt about it!

You ask what is wrong with their game/swing.

You watch what they are doing.

Is what they are doing what they think are doing?

Does it matter if they are doing something different than what they think they are doing, to them?

Sometimes it can take a while to figure out their intention for their motion.


"Yeah but it's still not out in the mainstream about D-plane and the correct ball flight laws. We should expect the instructors to have the correct info, i mean their the ones putting themselves out there as experts.

They are the teachers, they are suppose to pass along the correct info to us the student, it's their responsibility to do the homework and find out, after all that's what we pay them for.

If i decide to go it alone then it's my responsibility."

Dream land. Kind of like me saying that I expect all posters on this forum to spell correctly, and use correct punctuation, such as capitalization. Simply not reality.

For that matter, if you read business letters written by managers, since the time that the PC replaced secretaries, you will see that writing skills are mostly awful? They always were, but the secretaries fixed things.

Students are, for the most part, sheep. They are, for the most part, either too lazy to study, or not smart enough to educate themselves. That sounds harsh, but, in my experience, a high percentage of people have trouble learning from books. Take software application user manuals. Trust me people don't read them.

I'm saying if i pay a so called expert for something there's a reason, if i already have the knowledge and ability to do, why would i ask for any experts help? Why go to a doctor, lawyer, dentist, golf instructor...

It's okay not to need any help for someone like yourself that's not lazy or stupid like the rest of us sheep, but some of us need to get that help, and it wouldn't hurt if it was correct help.

Now if i could just find a secretary that knows the golf swing.:rolleyes: Ah! but i'm just dreaming again, stupid me. My baaaaaad.
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