I plan on teaching my kids to hit it as hard as they can with their right hand. Along with other things. Proper use of the right hand has been huge for my beginners and ladies so I'd be interested in knowing why you wouldn't teach that to anybody but the elite.
Dear Kevin,
Please continue to help kids and ladies use their right hands in learning how to play golf, I DID NOT state that IMO, kids will naturally learn to BALANCE the use of their right hand/side because they have no fear of slicing etc, and are just kids having fun hitting the golf ball.
Regarding women, IMO, their dominant and non dominant sides are much better matched than their men counterparts who have probably done everything possible that requires force/power favoring their dominant right side ( I have heard that only 5-10% of all people are left handed).
So, to get on with my response, as background, I hope you know, I am NOT a teacher, but a decent athlete that has been blessed with a 47 year career involving dynamics and stability. So an accurate assessment of my approach to seeking golf truth is definitely from both an applied (and integrated) science, and amateur golfer experience basis. To prepare for exposing my hypotheses externally this year, I spent 5 years, reviewed over 1000 technical/research documents and certainly averaged hitting hundreds of balls each week, trying to get a personal understanding of what I was passionately studying.
So, my "IMO-protected" suggestion of not employing an active right hand for beginners and folks who performed, or had recorded handicaps in double digits is the result of watching hundreds of people at driving ranges trying desperately to overcome the dreaded natural characteristics of a 'right hand dominant' person, trying to play what I believe is better defined as a 'left handed game'. The culprit in this mismatch IMO was the natural dominance of the right hand, arm AND SHOULDER COMPLEX, leaving low to no chance to apply compensations during the downswing to re stabilize the upper bodies path over the coronal plane/line.
More importantly however, with the right hand now 'contaminating' the natural pendulum-like capability of the left arm rotating around the stable humerus/glenoid shoulder joint, the golf club path and club face at impact have the potential for significantly more error content from what is desired.
Please try this Kevin, stand near a wall on you immediate left, and swing your left arm towards the wall trying to hit a pin-head size circle. Then repeat this trying to do it with your right hand. Naturally, the additional 'degrees of freedom' are involved with the right hand test, and this is exactly what 'potentially' contaminates the golf swing if the left side has not yet had enough golf swing 'experience' to be at least the boss of the path.
I value ALL you folks on this site and would be very willing to discuss this further with you actually by phone. If you are interested, Brian and Jon Hardesty have both my home and cell numbers, so please give me a call.