These questions were brought up by BerntR about a week ago.
Best I can figure, these are the points you are making.
1. Since the left shoulder is "in front of" the sweetspot, no matter how much you are pulling up on the grip, no matter how much the shaft is bending forward, the sheer sweetspot being "behind" the left shoulder, and the left shoulder is attached to the arm, and the arm is attached to the hand, and the hand is holding the grip—then the left shoulder is moving the club forward just pre-impact and at impact.
Yes. Lag all the way through the ball.
2. The forward part of the pulling of the left shoulder creates lag pressure—which is by definition, pressure on the backside of the shaft—and this lag pressure increases as a response to the impact shock—pre-impact—and that this happens fast enough to make a difference to the ball compression.
No, not pressure on the backside of the shaft. Axial tension in the shaft. Just from pulling. Like a tight rope. The same as the radial force you've been talking about. I think we agree that this is an axial force, that runs straight up and down the shaft. But you say it is radial (towards the center), while I say it is radial and tangential (towards the center and forward)
The tangential component in the axial force has been overlooked, IMO.
I can't see that
lag pressure has been defined with regards to "bending the shaft" type of pressurizing. I am aware that this is how the term is usually applied. There are at least three ways to pre-stress a shaft. You can bend it, torque it and you can stretch it like a rope.
I use
lag pressure about tangential, axial force. Because there's pressure and lag there. But perhaps a new term is needed to avoid confusion with "bending the shaft" lag pressure.
3. I think Homer Kelley was onto something important with his definition of rhythm & a flat left wrist maintained through forearm rotation doesn't change that.
Homer's definition of rhythm: Holding both Lever Assemblies to the same basic RPM throughout the stroke while overtaking all other components at a steady, even rate.
IMO, this was misleading as far as attributing left arm and club to the same RPM. Also, I don't know about the steady, even rate. But to me anyway, one of the big challenges and mysteries of the good golf stroke is how to synchronize the shoulder turn, the arms swing, the release of the wrist cock and the gradual closing of the club face so that all arrive properly aligned at impact without any steering.
I was also thinking about your own experiences and reflections with regards to the flat left wrist here and at other forums. I understand that you regard it is pointless, correction: counterproductive, to force a flat left wrist post impact. And that makes sense even to me. Because there is overtaking going on between the club and the left arm in any case. Whether you let the left wrist collapse past impact or whether you "force" it to remain flat by rotating the forearms quickly so that the club head can get past the hands without a left wrist breaking down doesn't change that.
I only brought this up to establish some common ground. I guess I could have done better.
And, I may be 100% wrong, but here are my answers to those questions based on my 30 years of experience and last few years of research with real scientists.
1. Any "lag pressure" at impact is incidental and has no bearing on the impact collision and the distance the ball travels.
2. Nothing going on just before impact, as a response to the impact shock—pre-impact, has any bearing on the impact collision or distance.
You may be right and you may be wrong. But this hasn't been properly investigated as far as I can see. And it may be worthwhile exploring. The findings could have implications on club making.
I've seen Mandrins analysis of this. It accounts for shear forces, the "bending the shaft" type of pressure. And for those forces the conclusion seems plausible.
Tangentially, a club with a stiff shaft typically can have a flex in the region of 300 rpm. That is 5 rp second, corresponding to a frequency of 5 Hz. Which means that the shaft takes around 200 ms to flex back, forward and back to zero. And it will take 50 ms to even start rebounding from a collision with the ball. The ball is long gone by then so Mandrin was right on that account.
But this is how the shaft responds tangentially. The shaft itself responds almost infinitely faster axially than tangentially.
The speed of sound in graphite and steel is 5600 meter per second. If you hit the ball while still pulling from the left, the impact shock will reach the hands after 1/5600 seconds = 0.18 ms if the club is 1 meter long. Which isn't totally out of the ball park. What happens during that interval is that the shaft stretches a tad. Like a rubber band. Even the most inflexible materials as a tiny bit of elasticity. But after 0.18 ms the shaft is stretched enough to hold the new load and respond to the impact shock.
According to Mandrin, the impact interval has a duration of approx 0.4 ms.
So, a shaft that recovers in 0.18 ms is fit for fight for half the impact interval. Your brain may not detect what happens before the ball is long gone, but your brain and your hand's doesn't even know that the club head has collided with the ball before the shock is transmitted to the hands, so they just keep the momentum going. And when the shock arrives at the hands, the hands is yet again fully connected with the sweet spot and if the ball is still glued to the club face you can apply force directly to the ball.
This is a highly idealized situation and there are a few factors that will make this less effective in real life:
The shaft is in a bent condition at impact since the sweet spot has an offset to the shaft orientation. The shaft bending increases the effective length of the club and it can probably increase some more when the club head meets the ball. The glue that attaches the shaft to the head is very flexible compared to steel and graphite, and then of course we have the grip which is also flexible.
All these factors are likely to absorb some of the impact shock, and delay the arrival time at the hands.
But on the other hand, the shaft itself has moving mass and I would be highly surprised if the moving mass doesn't make a difference before the ball has left the club head. More so with the mass close to the club head and less so with the mass farther up the shaft. It is just a matter of how much and how far up the shaft (and hands and arms) the shock goes before the ball has left the club face.
I bet it is possible to make non-conforming club where the moving mass in the grip and above will make a significant difference to impact - at least if the ball is hit by a machine.
3. I think that any idea of rhythm in the golf swing, as per TGM, is closer to being 100% wrong than 100% correct.
I may be 100% wrong, and Bernt you may be correct.
But, I will find the answers and put them up here.
Please correct me, if I have any of your premises incorrect.
3. At least I agree that he got the explanation wrong. I'm not sure what the valid alternative to some form of rhythm is though. I'm all ears here.
The tangential component of the pulling was anyway the reason I started the other thread. I am convinced that it is extremely important.
I really appreciate that you've decided to look into this and I will be looking forward to the proceedings.