doesn't justify the assumption. he assumed that adding a snap release would increase distance. the snap release led to less distance, suggesting that hand speed decreased. so even if he did have her hand speed maxed out, it slowed down once the change was made. so why not keep the snap release and teach her to increase the hand speed again(albeit a long term solution that may or may not have been worth the time/effort).
Hello future....
Wouldnt, with a snap release, there be a need for decreased hand speed? If the hands release later - and I am not saying you are wrong, just playing devils advocate - wouldnt they need to be slower (as compared to sweep release) to give the club time to square?
If my assumption is accurate to any degree, perhaps snap release isnt for her due to lost compression.
All things being equal, I dont think you would want to increase hand speed from sweep release (for arguments sake) to snap...
Make sense?