LPGA vs. PGA releases

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More than a hip stall is wrong with that picture.

Hey, I put up that pic of Yani for your benefit islandgolf! Didn't you ask for it? It was the only
face on iron pic I could find of her. I believe it was from last year working with Gilchrist. Glad
BM got a laugh out of it.
Reminder: we are being asked to believe that some technical inferiority leads to these women players to be shorter than the men and that they would do better if they lined the club up like the men.

I've spent a lot of time with woman pros over the years, LPGA, Futures and Mini Tour players.
They are weak in the upper body, hands and arms. Back in the early 2000's I measured driver
carry with a couple dozen good tour players and carry was anywhere between 218 & 235 yards.
With todays equipment and balls along with better training, I'm sure those numbers are more
like 225 to 250.

I read an article by Maxann Shwartz who has worked with many LPGA pros and she said
most women players on tour could only bench-press 45 pounds (I believe that was 2004).
Things could be different for some of the girls today, but, as Maxann said, the women are
very different physiologically.

We used to debate what if the women played the 2002 Bethpage Black course setup for the
men, what would be the winning score. Probably close to 40 over. And, if the men played
any women's US Open setup, the winning score would be at least 25 under.


I've spent a lot of time with woman pros over the years, LPGA, Futures and Mini Tour players.
They are weak in the upper body, hands and arms. ......................

Nitro7.... please comment on all the fine Korean lady golfers who are so successful. I look at their "body type" and I see short, stocky, muscled women with strong legs and broad backs, wickedly swinging the golf club.... and I envy them and their solid golf bodies. Some are slim too .... so is golf training in Korea exceptional?!
Hey, I put up that pic of Yani for your benefit islandgolf! Didn't you ask for it? It was the only
face on iron pic I could find of her. I believe it was from last year working with Gilchrist. Glad
BM got a laugh out of it.

Yes, thank you! Not sure why BM was laughing, but I hope it had to do with PC's swing, not Yani's
Is this a hip stall, the new reason for everything wrong in the golf swing? Maybe we can get a hip stall charged with the Kennedy assassination? Or put up 3 year old videos of me and admire mine?

Not a pivot stall in those pics................although plenty of other gals are guilty of it. Here......more of a right arm push stall. Whenever that club lines up at little early, you'll find that the right arm either straightens early (before left shoulder) and/or doesn't forcefully straighten/extend at all.
Are guys like Zuback and Sadlowski "dragging the handle" to get where they are at impact? Would they generate more clubhead speed if they used a driver with less loft and tried to let the bottom of the grip go past the top as it seems Joe Miller is doing?

Brian Manzella

Are guys like Zuback and Sadlowski "dragging the handle" to get where they are at impact? Would they generate more clubhead speed if they used a driver with less loft and tried to let the bottom of the grip go past the top as it seems Joe Miller is doing?

Undoubtably yes.

But, it just might knit be "for them."
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