Manzella "Easy Does It" Pattern...

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Hale Irwin - 45 Champions Tour wins 1995-2007

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Here's a picture of Snead kicking a ceiling in his 70's.

snead ceiling.bmp - - photo sharing - download image

I read that he could also reach over and pick his ball out of the hole without bending his knees.

Thank you! I thought it was 70's too but didn't want to make myself look foolish so i went 60's lol.

BTW i'm sure he could bend over and get the ball without bending his knees, with that level of flexibility to kick the ceiling it wouldn't have been a problem.
I probably don't have to tell anybody what Tom Watson almost did at the age of 60...

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Sir Bob Charles is still playing great golf at 73

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Brian Manzella

The similarities is these guys are world-class....

The trick is figuring out how to manage forward bend...

I'll try to get something up this week.
I am sure

The similarities is these guys are world-class....

The trick is figuring out how to manage forward bend...

I'll try to get something up this week.

I am sure you are aware of how important this (easy does it) will be to so many people.

you have excellent videos, all with major importance...this one for me will be most important of all

i would like to ask something that might sound odd (then again everything i say sounds odd)..but

make believe you can't make a full shoulder turn.............or that your hips can't do what is asked of them..or

shifting weight is setup alignment is hard because of spine influences...or..or..and or

with respect i ask.............go to ENGLISH the driving range....pick out a certain person

see what they are doing and whats obviously wrong..and help him or her help us.............younger people

have similar situations..i don't discount that...but you have a CHANCE to put people back on the golf course

please do it.


Rocco got back on the golf course with this motion. There's quite a bit of lateral motion involved, but he's finishing on his left side without any "Reverse C".

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Eliminate "Fall-Back" at Impact - Walk Through Drill

A reverse pivot will hurt the lower back... this drill has helped me a lot!

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"with respect i ask.............go to ENGLISH the driving range....pick out a certain person

see what they are doing and whats obviously wrong..and help him or her help us.............younger people

have similar situations..i don't discount that...but you have a CHANCE to put people back on the golf course

please do it.


Odd? Yes, very odd. You tell Brian to go to ENGLISH TURN (Internet shouting). Last I heard he works there. You are asking Brian to pick out a member on the practice tee and approach them with help. Do you not realize how rude that would be? Rude on any range, but on the practice tee at the Country club that happens to be your employer? Risky business, no?

Come on, let's be real.

Then we have your CHANCE statement which is pretty bizarre. They are already on the golf course, so how is it that we need to put them back on the golf course? Sounds like you want Brian to have a halo and save the golfing world.

Sorry, I just don't understand your thinking.

I have many students that would greatly benefit from an easy does it pattern. I have a few ideas of how to make it easier to hit the ball but I am sure your pattern(s) look to optimize the power and accuracy of the swing and some nuggets from that would be very valuable.

Thanks Brian and hope you had a great holiday.


"with respect i ask.............go to ENGLISH the driving range....pick out a certain person

see what they are doing and whats obviously wrong..and help him or her help us.............younger people

have similar situations..i don't discount that...but you have a CHANCE to put people back on the golf course

please do it.


Odd? Yes, very odd. You tell Brian to go to ENGLISH TURN (Internet shouting). Last I heard he works there. You are asking Brian to pick out a member on the practice tee and approach them with help. Do you not realize how rude that would be? Rude on any range, but on the practice tee at the Country club that happens to be your employer? Risky business, no?

Come on, let's be real.

Then we have your CHANCE statement which is pretty bizarre. They are already on the golf course, so how is it that we need to put them back on the golf course? Sounds like you want Brian to have a halo and save the golfing world.

Sorry, I just don't understand your thinking.

i did not say approach them...................i said watch them................from a distance Brian can see

what people are doing wrong............he has alluded to it in his videos....

being at English Turn?.............he does not teach AT the driving said watch the driving area

get people back on the golf course?? i am not sure you realize how many people have left the game

because of things i am sure Brian can easily fix....

as far as the word RUDE?............nah..............would never ask someone to be rude....


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It simply amazes me that people write something and then, when critiqued, simply ignore what they wrote.

Alex, you wrote, "pick out a certain person see what they are doing and whats obviously wrong..and help him or her help us". The inescapable conclusion is that when you say help him or her, you mean initiate the act of helping. What else can it mean? That is the opposite of waiting for the person to seek you out for help. I have no idea what the last two words, "help us" means. Oh, and by the way, in your opinion should this mission be pro-bono?
Steve, I'm surprised you haven't learned that is just his style. He continually makes requests of Brian. He does the same thing on MJ's forum. Now that is rude.

BTW, I don't think anyone understands his thinking.
It simply amazes me that people write something and then, when critiqued, simply ignore what they wrote.

Alex, you wrote, "pick out a certain person see what they are doing and whats obviously wrong..and help him or her help us". The inescapable conclusion is that when you say help him or her, you mean initiate the act of helping. What else can it mean? That is the opposite of waiting for the person to seek you out for help. I have no idea what the last two words, "help us" means. Oh, and by the way, in your opinion should this mission be pro-bono?

Nothing the matter with pro bono there Steve. And Brian does plenty of it at the right times. I agree with the general purpose of Howards message, which is for Brian and instructors like him to reach out when possible to those that are quitting or close to quitting the game. I do believe that Brian understands and does way more then others to help people along the way, however, including things like running this forum.

Nothing the matter with pro bono there Steve. And Brian does plenty of it at the right times. I agree with the general purpose of Howards message, which is for Brian and instructors like him to reach out when possible to those that are quitting or close to quitting the game. I do believe that Brian understands and does way more then others to help people along the way, however, including things like running this forum.



the easy does it sounds awesome. any word when you will release it?

i didnt see this answer in the thread. but i might have missed it. Sorry if this is a repat question ..

1- BRIAN was (is) going to do an easy does it pattern

2- I said watch....then use those things you found and incorporate them in that video

3- never said go up an help was doing visual from a distance

4-not was simply to use what he saw to help structure easy does it??

5- I was referencing seeing.....movements....shoulder. hip turns....setup..downswing..

let me give an soft draw...there is internal rotation, hands in deep....then up

BUT....if a person cannot INTERNALLY ROTATE..enough........then whats alternative.........Brian can

figure it out. All i was asking was to watch and observe someone older..not as flexible... Brian with a halo??...........nah....but he is more capable of finding answers then any instructor i know

And in closing i will say this...if i have ever had a problem with Brian i call him OUT

on it RIGHT his "house".........i have had emails from friends on other sites..who ask you know there are people who come on (other) site.from Brians site..and trash Brian?? gentlemen

THATS RUDE................I will call him out when necessary............if he is rude in an answer....i will text him

I consider him a friend and I don't accept rudeness from friends...................
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And in a perfect world we would all ride around on unicorns and everything would be free.
Doctors would treat for free, cars would be free, food? yep free!

Brian runs this site well and give away more information for free than anyone. To even ask him to do anything more than he already does is just nuts. His services (lessons) are well worth the cost and given the opportunity i will go see him again but in no way do I expect anything free from him. This is how he pays the rent.
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