My hands want to go towards the ball!

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I just posted two videos on YouTube:


This first one is with my handpath more towards the ball. With this one, I play army golf but my misses aren't super bad.


This next one is with my handpath more towards the plane line. I feel like I drop my hands straight down and pull it towards my body. With this swing, I hit draws and big hooks. The rate of closure is harder to time, but the "action" I can do more consistently.

After looking at video of both swings, they look pretty similar to my untrained eye, but feel vastly different. Or the feels that I need to pull off either swings are vastly different. Any comments? Thanks!


New member
You stand with your shoulders open and your feet closed. If you're hitting draws or hooks they're probably starting right, if anything--it looks like you have a tendency to hit pulls (pull draws or pull hooks). I think there's a lack of synchronicity between your upper body and lower body, namely your shoulders open up too quick which is why you're prone to hitting pulls. Your hands may be trying to fight this by pushing out towards the ball. Have you thought about squaring up your stance with your shoulders and hips more in line?
I played with pulls all of last year and after taking a lesson did I learn I was setting up with open shoulders. I thought I had "cured" that... Funny how elusive setup can be. Thanks for pointing that out.

Being shorter than most I'm always looking for ways to hit it farther and there seems to be a correlation between open shoulders and distance. Not saying it's the causation, but still, I've focused on that probably more than I should. Lia41985, when you say I open up my shoulders to quickly, should i speed up my hips to match? And is opening up the same as rotating?

I definitely have a too strong of a grip and it's the hardest thing for me to change.

It almost seems silly to talk about my hand path when there are so many other things to work on...


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I don't think it's silly--I think your idea of sending the hands towards the ball is a natural result of your shoulders opening too early which is a result of you setting up with your shoulders that open which I think you do because you don't have enough axis tilt on the downswing. You have that strong grip and outside in path because if you used a weaker grip and the same downswing you'd slice. So check this out: Never Slice Again 2
With that level of violence (the word that came to mind) in your swing, I don't know how something as precise as hand path is even observable. You are literally falling over in the follow through. What's the phrase? If you can't keep your balance you are swinging too hard.
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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I played with pulls all of last year and after taking a lesson did I learn I was setting up with open shoulders. I thought I had "cured" that... Funny how elusive setup can be. Thanks for pointing that out.

Being shorter than most I'm always looking for ways to hit it farther and there seems to be a correlation between open shoulders and distance. Not saying it's the causation, but still, I've focused on that probably more than I should. Lia41985, when you say I open up my shoulders to quickly, should i speed up my hips to match? And is opening up the same as rotating?

I definitely have a too strong of a grip and it's the hardest thing for me to change.

It almost seems silly to talk about my hand path when there are so many other things to work on...

Chicken or the egg? Strong grip led to outward handpath or vice versa. If you keep the same grip and keep your hands inside the ball you will deliver a closed face.
I'll check out Never Slice Again and probably the rest of Brian's videos tonight. Actually, is it a good time to buy NSA or does he plan on updating it soon?
I'll check out Never Slice Again and probably the rest of Brian's videos tonight. Actually, is it a good time to buy NSA or does he plan on updating it soon?

Check in with Brian before you purchase it. I think that there's something wrong with the link for the web version.


I'm glad I reviewed this topic and tried to figure parts of it out. I've traditionally had a pretty flat swing...partly due to a misconception about the hand path.

Lately I was swinging the hands up higher and with this new appreciation can just concentrate on the hands going DOWN (initially).

The Bubba Watson and Johnny Miller pics in the other thread also helped a ton.

Thanks to all.


New member
Watch this:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
The hands SHOULD NOT go toward the ball, or the plane line.

Next subject.
Forgive me if this has been covered, but isn't the shaft of the club on the Plane line ( In a good swing ) from the last parallel to impact? and wouldn't the hands also be on this plane since they are wrapped around the shaft? I understand that they are moving left because they have reached their lowest point before impact and are now moving up and in.
With that level of violence (the word that came to mind) in your swing, I don't know how something as precise as hand path is even observable. You are literally falling over in the follow through. What's the phrase? If you can't keep your balance you are swinging too hard.

Yes - that was my initial thought - especially with an 8 iron? (accuracy club) - it's easy to get that kind of swing when
A) You are generally shorter than you'd like to be (length that is) and also
B) When you hit inside in the winter - with simulator distance feedback - it's easy to get into "longer is better"
C) Using a lighter than normal ball - could change the whole movement - and make or allow you to swing at it harder.

So, it's a natural kind of issue to get involved with - swinging way to hard. I think a lot of us over-time will go through periods of "I want to hit it longer" to periods of "I want to control the shot" - in the real world those don't always come together.

For short periods of time - I'm sure swinging in bare feet might be a good way to make some corrections in your swing- however, you'd want to practice with as "real" as possible - therefore I'd be standing on a mat with whatever shoes you normally use on the golf course. Also, a little better netting and you'd be able to use a real ball.

Overall, nice golf movement - good luck with your progress.
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