Need help with getting forward shaft lean

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What are your distances, can you post a video?

I wonder if adding shaft lean would improve your total ball striking...
Are you Geoff Ogilvy? :)

I think at your level, you won't want to make a change without real proof that it will improve your ball striking. My question would be, why do you want to get more shaft lean? Are there certain shots that you really struggle with?
I've always drove the ball really well, great wedge game, but I really stuggle with the consistency of my iron game, used to always be a hook, last year it was a block, back to the hook this year
i should have a video up tomorrow, not the greatest its from my phone but just gotta put it on my computer and itll be up
i should have a video up tomorrow, not the greatest its from my phone but just gotta put it on my computer and itll be up

Guys, give CupSlam the benefit of the doubt on this one. Why are we so quick to discourage someone seeking advice. This is internet land. Take what he has to say and help him. Don't doubt him. Besides, there are lots of golfers in this game that have a great handicap with no/very little shaft lean.

CupSlam, are you a good chipper and pitcher of the ball?

Brian Manzella

Brian Manzella's Top 10 Ways to Get More Forward Shaft Lean

Here they are:

1. Straighten your right arm without straightening your right wrist.

2. Get your Right Shoulder more FORWARD at impact.

3. Finish with your left thumb under the shaft.

4. Get your hips more forward at impact.

5. Get your right elbow more forward at impact.

6. Lagging Clubhead Takeaway + Float Loading.

7. Rotate your left elbow more inward through impact.

8. More carry.

9. Hit the ball as high up the clubface as you can

10. Get closer to the ball without STANDING closer to the ball.

It looks that if you do all 1-9, then 10 will be the result. Because with more shaft lean your body position(s) will need to be closer to the ball to make center clubface contact. And you won't need to stand closer to the ball.
that is an awsome list Brian. About as straight forward and simple as can be. I think someone might steal your stuff and write a book!
In the last few weeks I've found #10 to be #1 for me. Basically, I stick my ass out even more, thinking about getting my belt buckle facing the ground more at address and still keeping my chest up a little. It gives me a better turn and more room for my arms to swing more forward and past me, saving some right arm.
Always the best top ten lists in golf. The most important one I have found is the inward rotation of the left elbow. It is really easy to swing too out when trying to maintain shaft lean thru impact. Great list, thanks Brian.
Here you go

I think you should quit the game with a swing like that.

You have all the shaft lean you need, or is your desire to look like Lee Trevino?
No I hit some balls off the lie board at the local range, the golf pro wanted to see some things and all my marks were mid sole and not towards the leading edge

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I can see a bit out of sequence, a little tugging from the top. This requires a high right shoulder to make room for the 'catch up' move. Not bad though.
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