What has d-plane got to do with what Johnny said. He's talking about Tiger trying to slice his wedge. He probably understands the D-plane, how do you know he doesn't?
Correct, however Tiger wasn't trying to slice his wedge. He was aiming left enough so he could swing left enough to zero out his path so the ball went directly over the flag. Johnny and others continue to talk about people hitting cut shots that LOOK like cut shots but are simply the way that golfer hits it straight. Brian explained this above.
He might have worded and interpreted it wrong but he WASN'T talking about d-plane, or the fact you shoudn't hit left. Tiger was going WAY too far across with his wedge. That has nothing to do with D-plane if he's trying to slice the heck out of it.
Get real.
Really? So far across that it landed directly over the flag and ended up 2 feet? Again he wasn't trying to slice it, Johnny is assuming that because he is aiming very left but Tiger is only doing that because he needs to, as brian said above, is probably hitting down a bit too much.
Stop turning this into a D-plane thread. How do you know Johnny didn't know more about the D-Plane when you were in short trousers? The high and mighty attitude stinks.
First, i don't have a high and mighty attitude. Johnny could still to this day give me plenty of shots and still wipe the floor with me. I'm sure he can produce any shot that i ask him too without really understanding proper ball flight, that you can't produce a heavy hit, or trap draw it. But the reality is he doesn't quite understand what is really happening with ball flight otherwise he wouldn't say such things on a golf telecast. I feel my initial post was pretty respectful if you don't that's your opinion.
All i'm trying to get across that we can't expect people to get better if we have people in positions to spew mass consumption that is just wrong. There have been plenty of countless wasted hours of trying to hit a straight shot by swinging straight, you need to swing out to right field to hit it well, you need to create a heavy hit, the ball starts where the path is and then curves away because of face or any other number of incorrect thoughts.
Why can't i challenge the all time greats to learn to be correct? I mean Tiger is on record saying he didn't truly get ball flight before trackman even though he could hit any shot you asked him too.