Over/Under on Wins for Tiger

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My greatest sports hero is Gretzky, guess because I'm Canadian, and when he played you could see the pure love of the game flowing through him. I don't see the same thing with Tiger. It makes it hard to like him in the same way.
My greatest sports hero is Gretzky, guess because I'm Canadian, and when he played you could see the pure love of the game flowing through him. I don't see the same thing with Tiger. It makes it hard to like him in the same way.

My vote, Cal Ripken Jr.
You could see the pure love of baseball running through Pete Rose. Didn't mean much as a man it seems. Just a great baseball player. Ted Williams? Greatest swing ever? Hated everywhere but Boston. Just a great hitter. Associating ability with character is naiveté itself, but one the media loves to perpetrate. Let's create these super heros cause it'll be a blast tearing them down.
I have to agree with DC, a lot of sports heroes are actually t!ts as people. Comes from being better than everyone in your chosen field and others kissing your a$$ for most of your life.


I have to agree with DC, a lot of sports heroes are actually t!ts as people. Comes from being better than everyone in your chosen field and others kissing your a$$ for most of your life.

Whats it like having your a$$ kissed, Wuls? :eek:
Just want to see a good win on an unfamiliar course. Not hating at all btw.
OK - his wins on the 7 courses make up 52% of his PGA tour wins - 40 out of 77. So he's won 37 times away from "home" - not too bad:rolleyes: Almost as good as Mickelson's career total (41). He still has Phil beat for Majors - 9 to 4. But...19 of Phil's victories have come on the West coast - OMG!!!!!! So, take those away and we're back where we started.
See how stupid this all gets? Besides, Tiger has won 27% of ALL PGA events he's played in. C'mon, the guy is a once-in-a-lifetime Golfer - enjoy the show.
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