Wow, long time reader of the Manzella forum and I missed this one. Thanks for bringing this one back because like many have already mentioned, this shopping cart analogy is brilliant.
Hopefully, not threadjacking, but this pressure point thread is an opportunity to ask a question I can't figure out on my own. I practice swing a lot in my yard (without hitting a ball, I have a very small yard) and when I do, I can GREATLY sense/feel/monitor most of the pps (especially 3 and 4). When I go to the range to actually hit balls, it all goes out the window and I really (embarrassingly) do not maintain virtually ANY of the pressure points (obviously all arms/no pivot, pushing the cart away from me). The discrepency is what I can't wrap my head around. Now I hope I don't naively come off as one of those "I make perfect practice swings, but I can't hit the ball with it, blah blah..." I don't think my practice swings are perfect and who knows how awful the strike might actually be if I put that on a ball. All I'm wondering is why can I pivot, feel the pps in a practice swing but not at all when trying to hit a ball (I also realize this is a normal hacker perspective). Is it a mental thing? What's the first/biggest step in fixing this?
Hopefully, not threadjacking, but this pressure point thread is an opportunity to ask a question I can't figure out on my own. I practice swing a lot in my yard (without hitting a ball, I have a very small yard) and when I do, I can GREATLY sense/feel/monitor most of the pps (especially 3 and 4). When I go to the range to actually hit balls, it all goes out the window and I really (embarrassingly) do not maintain virtually ANY of the pressure points (obviously all arms/no pivot, pushing the cart away from me). The discrepency is what I can't wrap my head around. Now I hope I don't naively come off as one of those "I make perfect practice swings, but I can't hit the ball with it, blah blah..." I don't think my practice swings are perfect and who knows how awful the strike might actually be if I put that on a ball. All I'm wondering is why can I pivot, feel the pps in a practice swing but not at all when trying to hit a ball (I also realize this is a normal hacker perspective). Is it a mental thing? What's the first/biggest step in fixing this?