I am new to this site, TGM and "golf science", so i am sure I am all wrong, but interested to hear your ideas and see the thread continue.
Could it be that the amount of torque applied to roll the club affects how fast the club catches up the hands more than CF alone?
I was just on the brink of posting the 'dialogue' below when I noticed your post.
Bravo, still someone around expressing curiosity re. to concepts and ideas.
mandrin, how it is going? Are your efforts stirring up some interesting discussions? After all this forum is getting sooooo large, there are certainly at least one or two true aficionados around.
mandrin, surprisingly, the facts are somewhat different. In a nutshell, only Darius showed some genuine interest but tongzilla tells me that my stuff is just old and presents nothing new, birdie_man says it looks interesting but also admits that he really has not read much of it and Brian assures me that, notwithstanding the impression, everybody is fully awake. That’s about it.
mandrin, I seem to remember that not that long ago this forum was quite often hustling and bustling with interesting and vigorous discussions?
mandrin, you might be quite right. But that was before ‘discussions’ and ‘questions’ were merged with the result that any potential subject for discussion is quickly lost, swamped by an incessant stampede of questions, nobody has really the time to answer. The archives are going to be some confusing source of tidbits of information before long.
mandrin, what are you going to do with this thread? You were busy developing some interesting new ideas about the release mechanism in the down stroke.
mandrin, probably just keep them for myself.
mandrin, what do you make of this obvious lack of interest?
mandrin, nowadays people are just out for intellectual fast food, wanting things instantaneously, for free, and without expending much effort. I feel that golfers seem to be in general a rather gullible lot. It explains perhaps partly why golf, intellectually, is such a stagnant business. Year in year out the same subjects - how to definitely cure you slice, or, how to develop true power, etc., etc.. Yet it is all sold readily, this continuous recycling of more of the same, year in year out, ad vitam aeternam.