And do not start a war because it will end bad for you this way or another.
Really D? Do you have mob contacts over here?
Really D? Do you have mob contacts over here?
And do not start a war because it will end bad for you this way or another.
Really D? Do you have mob contacts over here?
I know that. That's why your site is the only one (except mine and SiTD) that I attend. But it was not me who start to offend first. I cannot feel in English what is offensive or not, but it was not me who used the words "foolly" or something. I was offended many times on your site and you know it well but still here from 2006. I do not care who is who - if my beloved Polish Pope was wrong I'd have said it to Him...God forgive me.
I am who I am. Period.
I yam what I yam....Popeye
Once it is translated into Polish I recommend that you read Khaneman's "Thinking, Fast and Slow". It seems to me that you use System 1 (thinking fast) too much. Could be wrong.
What's mob ? You mean mob as the Roman name for crowd ? If yes - no. I always wanted to be the last Roman.
Please don't take this as anything other the compliment it's intended to be, but thank you to all who participated in the last three pages of this thread. I thought the Monty Python team had reformed and Ministry of Silly Walked their way over to the Manzella forum. Great argument, everybody putting in their two pennies worth and lots of comedy.
(And, of course, the thought of Dariusz rampaging around in a Roman legionnaire's uniform, spear in one hand and a copy Ben Hogan's Five Lessons tucked into his tunic just sent me over the edge.)
Polish mob - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Where's the left?
When does it start?
Are you thinking "swing left" Kevin?
Is the -0.3* really the "True Path"? If so, what was the HSP?
Please don't take this as anything other the compliment it's intended to be, but thank you to all who participated in the last three pages of this thread. I thought the Monty Python team had reformed and Ministry of Silly Walked their way over to the Manzella forum. Great argument, everybody putting in their two pennies worth and lots of comedy.
(And, of course, the thought of Dariusz rampaging around in a Roman legionnaire's uniform, spear in one hand and a copy Ben Hogan's Five Lessons tucked into his tunic just sent me over the edge.)
Tiger, hitting a 5 yard fade, practice round, 2011 Chevron: https://picasaweb.google.com/Lukman...CMHm9LrVx-DynwE#slideshow/5694534630693492226
There are obviously infinite numbers of ways to ZERO OUT.
But basically, there are three.
1. Aim Straight and carry a bit and swing left of your stance and the target —ala Kevin Shields.
2. Aim 2.4° left with every club, swing right there, and have a tour avg type AofA —ala David TomsA
3. Aim at least 2.4° left (about 4.5 yards-per-100) and hot down on it a bunch and swing even further left —ala Tiger Woods 2012
There are obviously infinite numbers of ways to ZERO OUT.
But basically, there are three.
1. Aim Straight and carry a bit and swing left of your stance and the target —ala Kevin Shields.
2. Aim 2.4° left with every club, swing right there, and have a tour avg type AofA —ala David TomsA
3. Aim at least 2.4° left (about 4.5 yards-per-100) and hot down on it a bunch and swing even further left —ala Tiger Woods 2012
I see that "zero-ing out" would be inherently easier doing the "new release" vs. "handle dragging"...
...would it not be easier to "zero out" with the club "thrown out" more when the hands are in the right thigh area than having "a bunch of lag" with clubhead higher off the ground and relatively more "back and in" of the hands?
...Seems like with the "acute" angles associated with "handle dragging" you got yourself a double dose of "swinging to the right"...that would have to be accounted for in some form or fashion?
Less downward Angle of Attack
Less downward Angle of Attack
It is tough to do.
You need MASSIVELY more jump, inward arms, etc.
And since the AofA is 99% of the time much more downward, you have to swing further left to zero out.
According to the math, all things being equal you will have more power the later you release the club.