Sure did. Proves what I have always thought about him. Dumb enough to be elected to Congress.
If dumb was dirt he'd cover half of East Texas.
Sure did. Proves what I have always thought about him. Dumb enough to be elected to Congress.
But, I was watching a live stream from ESPN. One bingo caller said something like "well when the faced is closed like that you will always hit a draw". Then, miraculously, his partner said "only if the face is closed relative to the path". Other guy didn't get it so he lined it out for him in more detail and went on to explain how a fade is hit.
Have heart folks. Knowledge is somehow leaking into the world of "expert" commentary.
You are correct sir! The fact that they are paid makes it worse, they should have even more desire to learn about these things that many of us on this forum have learned just because we love the game.There is absolutely no defense for JM, Kostis or any other person in any form of society to say something is it, when it isn't. You guys defending the spreading of lies and misinformation are despicable. I could care less what their playing records are or not, you either help people or you hurt them.
And yes, I realize they are paid to talk, but that's still not an adequate excuse
My girlfriend who knows nothing about golf looked at me and said "can you really open the face at impact like that or is that the ball making the face open?"
What's wrong with saying "squeeze fade"? I love how some of you guys are so quick to jump down Miller who could probably beat you one handed.
Big Play: How to hit Bubba Watson's approach on 18 at Doral - Video | GOLF.com
The question of course is:
How can you make people play better?
The answer of course is:
Teachers (who will have to have hit great shots themselves) who are armed with the right info, which will inevitably come from scientific sources.
The biggest problem at the moment, IMHO, is that the science is difficult to interpret. And, as our resident pink driver hater repeatedly says, the anatomical factors are not being included in the science.
So we are left fumbling in the dark, or in our cases, on the internet.
Not difficult to interpret wulsy, just takes some effort.
LOL You might want to put in another comma after interpret and before Wulsy