The Golfing Machine heads to obscurity on the book shelf

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So does that defend Kelley or not?

What I am not getting here is the title of this thread. "The Golfing Machine heads to obsurity on the book shelf."

Do you always throw out all the old information when you think you have found something better? Did Aristotle throw out Plato? Which brings up another point - In one recent thread there were arguments for relativism and absolute truth all at the same time. You guys have your epistemology all over the place. You can't have Locke with a side of Rousseau!

New information is great. But are you really going to throw out the Golfing Machine? Plus guys on this site rip it and don't even own it! Brian said himself it made contributions in the area of classification. So what is the point of all this hostility?

There is no new piece of work yet as a replacement, just loose ideas floating around on the internet. These ideas have not been put together into one complete philosophy for critical review by anyone. Maybe one day they will. Until then, I am not sure what you are accomplishing.

But I will tell you this: understanding how to release the accumlators took more strokes off my game than anything else, and results are my truth, because I can get home in fewer strokes with more change in my pocket.

New informaton that's correct and replaces old information that is wrong is great.
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Brian Manzella

Wrapping this one up....

These threads have a shelf life....

This thread was about how the book The Golfing Machine is heading for obsolescence.

If you doubt us, go spend some time hooked up to a 8-12 sensor 6°3D machine, and hit balls while it collects data, while TrackMan collects even more information about the club and the ball.

You will find out that at that point, The Golfing Machine becomes basically irrelevant.

There is an awful lot to learn, practice and train, to optimize your pivot, and maximize your kinetic sequencing. Analyzing and improving your arm, hand and wrist accelerations and movements—in 3D space—aligning the club through the ball for the desired the D-Plane effect, optimizing the launch and spin of the ball, is what golf is really all about. You would see it all in a way so precise, Homer Kelley would have loved every minute and minutia of it.

But he didn't come close to accounting for all it in his books.

So, now is the time in history for the book to stand on its own, an invaluable reference to "the computer age" of the late 60's to early 80's. To be read for all the wonderful observations by a dedicated man looking for answers that he never quite completely found.

The defenders of the book, who think it is infallible, or only off by "miniscule" amounts, have rushed to defend it here and on other forums.

The best they could come up with, in the face of the irrefutable avalanche of science coming straight at them, is pulling super obscure "ideas" on the best way to accomplish something it is obviously impossible to do, in a way that we offered to pay to measure, only to hear crickets.

The rest of the defense is "It works for me," which a thousand times in a row I have said I have no problem with—

Just please don't call it science.

I will be writing a paper, which I will publish here and hope is copied everywhere, on the contributions to golf Mr. Kelley provided in his 6-7 times updated treatise. He did the game quite a service.

So now this post head for obscurity as well, quiet, but probably never forgotten.


This is a message for all who would like to comment or disagree on this, and the two other threads on this subject and closely related ones.

If you have a webcam, and would like to discuss any of your concerns with me live on UStream, please feel free to contact me and we will make it happen.

This is the ONLY WAY that any of this discussion ever makes it to the "next level" toward resolution.

Two (or more) human beings talking live, faces and expressions visible, no screen names involved, live on the web where other interested parties can watch, and recorded for posterity, will result in actual civil discourse that is hard to spin, and better for all.

Thank you all very much,

Brian Manzella
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