Todd Dugan
Todd, wouldn't axis tilt be a very common condition that causes low point to differ from when shaft lean would predict?
Axis tilt is VERY common, ha ha, but refers to the ball's sidespin. I don't think that relevant here, MJ.
All I'm saying is that in a properly constructed "golfing machine", if you will, then as the clubshaft swings on an inclined plane through the impact zone, then the "lean" of the shaft (and let's assume for simplicity that it can not bend), relative to the plane's baseline, will indicate the attack angle. And so, the "machine" SHOULD deliver the same clubface orientation, relative to the clubhead's direction (spin loft), regardless of WHERE on the plane impact is made. I've actaully presented this to a couple of the guys at TrackMan, but never got confirmation. It seems scientifically sound to me.
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