well thats it for me

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im gonna try and stay away from the game for as long as possible. its just got so frustrating. im supposed to know enough to help players far superior to myself. so why cant i play to decent level????

i dont know why i cant translate my knowledge into results. if anyone can help me answer that, i might not give the game up afterall.

Because you are the product of a "microwave" society. You want in seconds what takes hours. It takes time to learn and execute this stuff. I've only met just a few people naturally gifted when it comes to golf.

How old are you? And why are you so obsessed with the teaching aspect and being good? Why not drop the teaching and learn to be good and then pick up the teaching if it is so important.

I did a little digging through the threads to see if I could learn a little bit about you. Here is something Brian posted in a thread started by you....
Can you give us the "Manzella version" of what makes for a "good" golf teacher, and a "great" golf teacher?

I'll do better than that.

The Brian Manzella Scale of "Real World/Live Lesson Giving" Golf Teachers.

POOR = Can't teach, Can't demonsrate, teaches bad information, doesn't relate to students, everyone who works with them gets worse.

FAIR= Every Day, run-of-the-mill, guy at the local course. Doesn't know any theory, doesn't want to. Can demostrate some. Can relate some. Some students get better.

GOOD= Knows some theory, has studied under someone who has a clue. Maybe has their own method. Can relate to 50%+ of their students. Has developed some good players from scratch. Can help Mrs. Fabersham get it in the air AND not mess up Nicklaus before he tees it up.

VERY GOOD = Very Good teacher. Knows multiple theories. Has some undersatnding of law. Can teach 75% of all players to improve without bastarizing. Often has just one basic appraoch for all, however.

GREAT = Great teacher. Knows a lot of theories by heart. Know some Golfing Machine or TGM-like info. Can relate to 99% of students and help 90% of them in MULTIPLE WAYS. Can get Mrs. Fabersahm to break 90 AND HELP a TOUR PLAYER go win today.

HALL-OF-FAME LEVEL = Knows just about every theory that ever came down the pike. Could teach them all by him/herself or along with the person who "wrote the book." Can relate to 99.9% of all students and can get them ALL to hit it better today without BASTARDIZING. Teaches multiple patterns and multiple ways. Usually good with Juniors of any age and could tell you why every teachers stuff works and why it doesn't. Can teach other poor teachers to teach well, and good teacher to teach better.

I see Brian mention DEMONSTRATE but I see nothing in here that states you have to be a certain handicap to be a good teacher. Re-evaluate where you are? If you don't really love this game I doubt you would be a good teacher. Learn to love the game, improve along the way, and continue your quest to be a hall of famer. How many comedians start out on the Vegas Strip? They start out at some hole in the wall comedy club and they hone...and hone...and hone their skill. They gradually move up...if the honing doesn't smash 'em first. Lot's of rejection in that honing process. Probably similar to a golf instructors quest to be good or great or hall of fame.
Because you are the product of a "microwave" society. You want in seconds what takes hours. It takes time to learn and execute this stuff. I've only met just a few people naturally gifted when it comes to golf.

How old are you? And why are you so obsessed with the teaching aspect and being good? Why not drop the teaching and learn to be good and then pick up the teaching if it is so important.

I did a little digging through the threads to see if I could learn a little bit about you. Here is something Brian posted in a thread started by you....
Can you give us the "Manzella version" of what makes for a "good" golf teacher, and a "great" golf teacher?

I'll do better than that.

The Brian Manzella Scale of "Real World/Live Lesson Giving" Golf Teachers.

POOR = Can't teach, Can't demonsrate, teaches bad information, doesn't relate to students, everyone who works with them gets worse.

FAIR= Every Day, run-of-the-mill, guy at the local course. Doesn't know any theory, doesn't want to. Can demostrate some. Can relate some. Some students get better.

GOOD= Knows some theory, has studied under someone who has a clue. Maybe has their own method. Can relate to 50%+ of their students. Has developed some good players from scratch. Can help Mrs. Fabersham get it in the air AND not mess up Nicklaus before he tees it up.

VERY GOOD = Very Good teacher. Knows multiple theories. Has some undersatnding of law. Can teach 75% of all players to improve without bastarizing. Often has just one basic appraoch for all, however.

GREAT = Great teacher. Knows a lot of theories by heart. Know some Golfing Machine or TGM-like info. Can relate to 99% of students and help 90% of them in MULTIPLE WAYS. Can get Mrs. Fabersahm to break 90 AND HELP a TOUR PLAYER go win today.

HALL-OF-FAME LEVEL = Knows just about every theory that ever came down the pike. Could teach them all by him/herself or along with the person who "wrote the book." Can relate to 99.9% of all students and can get them ALL to hit it better today without BASTARDIZING. Teaches multiple patterns and multiple ways. Usually good with Juniors of any age and could tell you why every teachers stuff works and why it doesn't. Can teach other poor teachers to teach well, and good teacher to teach better.

I see Brian mention DEMONSTRATE but I see nothing in here that states you have to be a certain handicap to be a good teacher. Re-evaluate where you are? If you don't really love this game I doubt you would be a good teacher. Learn to love the game, improve along the way, and continue your quest to be a hall of famer. How many comedians start out on the Vegas Strip? They start out at some hole in the wall comedy club and they hone...and hone...and hone their skill. They gradually move up...if the honing doesn't smash 'em first. Lot's of rejection in that honing process. Probably similar to a golf instructors quest to be good or great or hall of fame.

thanks bill, great posts. i suppose the idea of teaching people came about when i started trying to figure out how the swing was supposed to work ... 10 minutes after my very first golf lesson :D i was always sorta more interested in swing technique then i was in actually playing well.

i guess i realised i had a little more talent for teaching then i did for playing, and i know you dont have to be brilliant as a player to be a great teacher (although it certainly helps eg. mike finney). im only young, and teaching golf really seems to A.) be the only thing i really excel at and B.) the only thing i would truly love to do with my life.

and 'flopshot', yer your right a bit. i was a little depressed when i made that first post. so fortunately (or unfortuantely, depending on what you think) im not leaving the forum just yet ;) although i think it'd be best to take some time off from the game
Guys, it's a journey, when I stumbled upon Brian at the old FGI site and then into the rest of the TGM world, my average score was somewhere in the mid 90's 5-6 years ago.

I have kept banging away and refining things to the point I'm now about a 5 and my ultimate goal is to work to scratch.

I recently shot 92-74 on back to back days. Don't beat yourself up on bad days and recognize that the difference in a bad score and a good score is a very fine line.

Keep focusing on the positive, but work on the weakness. My last round 77 14 greens in reg!! 11 fairways hit!!!, 1 penalty shot. and 39 putts, ughh...

I could beat the crap out of myself for a piss poor penalty shot and 39 putts, or I can say hole crap, I hit 14 greens in reg, that's pro level:)

You've got to stay focused on the positive or this game will wear you out mentally.

My experience with guys who threaten to quit is that they're looking for some sympathy. The game has somehow beaten them into submission, and it usually happens after a very disappointing round or tournament or after a frustrating string of poor ball-striking sessions (whether at the range or on the course). Whether or not they really quit depends upon how deep their passion for the game runs, and that tends to be very different depending on the individual.

Although golf isn't my profession, I love the game. I like practicing, I like playing, I like competing. I like tinkering with my swing, reading/learning about swing theories, and watching it played at the highest levels. I love the time it gives me with my friends whether we're playing casual rounds or in tournaments (competing individually against them or in team events with them).

With passion comes emotion and it takes different forms. I'm sure I've threatened to quit before, but it was usually when I was feeling sorry for myself, and I've come to realize that quitting isn't going to fix any swing issue or help me better deal with tournament pressure. I love the game too much to quit. :)

Hang in there Pecky. Nothing wrong with taking a little break from it.
^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^^


Take it from a guy that was so burned out that he put the clubs in the trunk of the car for almost 6 weeks.

Golf is tough and playing golf well all the time is REALLY tough.

Put em down for a bit. Do something else with the time you dedicated to your game.

Then after a bit of time away, honestly ask yourself if you had more fun without golf or do you miss the time on the course or the range.

If its the first, walk away with no regrets. If its the second, drag that bag out of the trunk and go hit some balls.

I truly enjoyed my break. But.......I missed the game too much to stay away.

Heck, the West Texas Am and my club championship is coming up. LOL!!!
^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^^


Take it from a guy that was so burned out that he put the clubs in the trunk of the car for almost 6 weeks.

Golf is tough and playing golf well all the time is REALLY tough.

Put em down for a bit. Do something else with the time you dedicated to your game.

Then after a bit of time away, honestly ask yourself if you had more fun without golf or do you miss the time on the course or the range.

If its the first, walk away with no regrets. If its the second, drag that bag out of the trunk and go hit some balls.

I truly enjoyed my break. But.......I missed the game too much to stay away.

Heck, the West Texas Am and my club championship is coming up. LOL!!!

Glad you are back otto!

Brian Manzella

Quitting, eh?


I've done it a million times. Mostly for seconds at a time. ;)

Listen Pecky, I like you, and I want you to live a happy life so....listen....

Teaching golf is the HARDEST profession I know of. Not physically hardest, or mentally hardest, just hardest to get from point A to point T.

You have to LOVE to help people, because, for a long while, you won't make enough money to keep at it for that reason.

Playing better golf?

That's easy. All you need is a lesson. I'd fix you in 40 minutes, tell stories for 20, and drink a Diet Coke with you at the bar.

I have a big thing on the way that besides other things, will let me teach anyone anywhere in the world who has a webcam, and a decent connection.

Trust me, if you can make a swing with a half length club for me right now, I'd see 10 things you never DREAMED of.

Stick around, and I'll let you be my FIRST LIVE VIDEO INTERNET LESSON, no charge.

You in?
Playing better golf?

That's easy. All you need is a lesson. I'd fix you in 40 minutes, tell stories for 20, and drink a Diet Coke with you at the bar.

I have a big thing on the way that besides other things, will let me teach anyone anywhere in the world who has a webcam, and a decent connection.

Trust me, if you can make a swing with a half length club for me right now, I'd see 10 things you never DREAMED of.

Stick around, and I'll let you be my FIRST LIVE VIDEO INTERNET LESSON, no charge.

You in?

Now that's an offer you can't refuse!

Two guys I used to play golf with quit permanently. Guy 1 was once a scratch golfer and he couldn't stand -- as he got a little older and also lost just a little of his game as well -- being someone who sometimes shot an 83 on the course he used to shoot a 72 on.

The other guy was a great athlete, a very high caliber racquetball player who could knock the snot out of the golf ball. He was a Type-A competitive type to the hilt and couldn't stand losing at sports to guys who couldn't do 15 push-ups. He got extremely frustrated on the course.

I think Guy 1 made a mistake in quitting. I think Guy 2 made the right call.

I had a month of thinking about quitting last summer. I ultimately decided that it wouldn't be the end of the world if I never broke 70 if I could just learn to hit a lot more nice shots. I realized I love just being able to hit nice shots and practicing. It was the pulls and pull hooks that I couldn't figure out on my own that made me think about quitting. Fortunately I found this site and started going for lessons with Brian.
From a different standpoint, there is an amount of self-pity involved when you get depressed because you are unable to perform a simple action.....
Then we go around saying "it's too hard, I'll nevr be able to do this.."...etc etc.

Well lets get real here...
If you want hard, and i mean HARD, put yourself in the position of those young kids in India etc, who's parents chop their limbs off for "sympathy" value so they can go out and beg better for the family...

Now that's hard........

I've done it a million times. Mostly for seconds at a time. ;)

Listen Pecky, I like you, and I want you to live a happy life so....listen....

Teaching golf is the HARDEST profession I know of. Not physically hardest, or mentally hardest, just hardest to get from point A to point T.

You have to LOVE to help people, because, for a long while, you won't make enough money to keep at it for that reason.

Playing better golf?

That's easy. All you need is a lesson. I'd fix you in 40 minutes, tell stories for 20, and drink a Diet Coke with you at the bar.

I have a big thing on the way that besides other things, will let me teach anyone anywhere in the world who has a webcam, and a decent connection.

Trust me, if you can make a swing with a half length club for me right now, I'd see 10 things you never DREAMED of.

Stick around, and I'll let you be my FIRST LIVE VIDEO INTERNET LESSON, no charge.

You in?

my lord im definately in! thats so kind of you brian, thank you so much. i'll try to get some video up of a recent swing. but if i can get hold of a bloody web cam i might not have to bother!
hi pecky,....u continue to give me help on msn...however annoying i may be..through me sending you videos and you are very knowledgable, you spend hours of you time just to help me and you are the best coach ive ever had!! brian has made you a fantastic offer and im sure you will get sorted soon.
That's it! I've had it....I'm done with this stupid game....


I have a big thing on the way that besides other things, will let me teach anyone anywhere in the world who has a webcam, and a decent connection.

Trust me, if you can make a swing with a half length club for me right now, I'd see 10 things you never DREAMED of.

Stick around, and I'll let you be my FIRST LIVE VIDEO INTERNET LESSON, no charge.

You in?

There;s no hope for me! So why waste anymore time and $ on this stupid, stupid game that I have no aptitude for.

(OK Brain, are you biting????? Can I be No 2????? I'm in) BIG FAT GRIN!
Haha, pecky.... You just got the chance of a lifetime! I hope that you take this chance and use it to the full, and appreciate what Brian is about to give you. What I would give to be in your shoes kid...

I would say I am allot like you peck. I'm young, and I have been playing for a long time, I LOVE golf with all of my heart... does that sound funny? yeah, because it is, why do I love a "game"? I dont know, but I understand the meaning of "for the love of the game" about as well as anyone on this planet. Golf is almost like a friend to me, as in, if I lost it, It would hurt about as bad as losing a friend.

I'm somewhat blessed (my whole family are actually pretty naturally talented golfers), in the way of, without ever really taking a lesson, just studding golf on my own (and mostly using bad information before finding this website) I have been able to become a respectable single digit handicapper ranging from 7 to 9 over the past 3 years. However my passion is the same as yours, I want to be able to make golf my profession, how great would it be, to do something you love, and make money at it? Thats something 99 percent of this world doesn't get a chance to do. However I cant do that, I'm 21, in a relationship that is closer to marriage than not, and I have other obligations that really wont let me throw myself into trying to become a really great golfer that can make money at this sport. If I had a chance like your getting right now, earlier in my life, I would have taken it, ran with it and never looked back. I would give anything to go back in time to about 16 years old, and worked with Brian... I guarantee, Anthony Kim wouldn't have anything on me right now, I'm confident of that.

Brian must really see something in you.
Take this chance, run with it, have fun, and I wish you the absolute best man.

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