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    The Genesis for the "Anti-Summit" (and what it is & what it isn't) by Brian Manzella

    The Genesis for the "Anti-Summit" (and what it is & what it isn't) by Brian Manzella Anti-Summit II is just a few days away. It is a lot of work to organize such an event, and even more to pull it off without a hitch. Many folks have no idea our purpose for such a symposium, or why we ever...
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    Clarification on a couple of points on the Release - short video answer by Brian

    <iframe src="" width="480" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
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    Things we now know for sure - by Brian Manzella

    MARK THESE DOWN (or read 'em and weep) 1. You can not look at downswing wrist cock angles and tell what FORCES the golfer is applying to the club. 2. Some golfers will hit the ball further by un-cocking (applying force to the bottom lever—the club) earlier. 3. You HAVE NO...
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    Sometimes you have to pull the plug...

    <iframe src="" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
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    Ideas about The Release - a video by Brian Manzella (comments/reviews) Ideas about The Release Based on breakthrough information uncovered in Project 1.68 and discussed in the landmark forum thread "The Release," Brian Manzella explains the concepts in an easy to understand 37 minute video. Concepts like the "out-toss" and...
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    Lag, Release, Clubhead Speed, Swing Direction, Angle of Attack, Clubface, etc.

    Lag, Release, Clubhead Speed, Swing Direction, Angle of Attack, Clubface, etc. They are ALL created with a FORCE that gets to the club through a DIRECTION of force, with a certain AMOUNT of force, at a certain TIME. How a given golfer is doing all of this can ONLY BE DETERMINED by "doing the...
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    Brian, will you be in Tuscalossa Saturday?

    Here is the game analysis: Alabama has some great interior lineman on both sides of the ball. It has a game-breaking returner/receiver. The QB is going to be a really good one, and is on his way this year. The LBs are really, really good. The secondary has one or two future NFLers. #3 would...
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    Need a little help please.....

    In Maryland working on my presentation for the MAPGA Teaching Summit, I am on a relatively slow internet connection, and I am looking for some good coupling point path MOVING UP TOWARD IMPACT pics I have posted on the Release thread and others. Just repost them on this thread. Thanks a BUNCH...
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    2D vs. 3D models and other things - Video Answers by Manzella & Jacobs

    <iframe src="" width="528" height="297" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
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    An Invitation from Brian Manzella

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> <tbody> <tbody> <tbody> <tbody> Greetings! It is my great pleasure to invite you to attend the 2nd Annual Brian Manzella Golf Swing Science Symposium, "ANTI-SUMMIT...
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    James M. Self Jr. - December 16, 1929 - October 15, 2011

    It is one of the oddities of post-Katrina life in New Orleans. There are so many individuals that so many people never saw again. Jimmy Self was one of them. And in his case it was literally thousands of people. James M. Self, Jr., or "Jimmy," or “Mr. Jimmy” to me, was a golf pro. He had worked...
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    Never Slice Again 3 Lesson

    So today, I gave my first NEVER SLICE AGAIN "3" lesson. The gentleman is big cat, 6'2"+ build like a Tight End. His initial swings were 15.0° outside-in average, very weak grip, and well, you can figure the rest. I knew this was the chance to put all of this new stuff to use on a PERFECT...
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    The Coupling Point Release in Action

    John Peterson <iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> <iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
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    What the club looks like on a 0° path by a PGA Tour Player "3 balls" from impact

    What the club looks like on a 0° path by a PGA Tour Player "3 balls" from impact
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    "The Release" comes to life.....

    I attended the annual GBN (nee AMF) Summit this past Sunday-Wednesday. I was happy to see many of the teachers tell me they have seen the release thread. One of them (only half) joked that "I see y'all are teach a "flip" now. I spent my usual few hours explaining the newest stuff to many...
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    Steve Jobs 1955-2011

    Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died today. He was 56. You can't get any bigger in any industry than Jobs did in personal electronics. You can't make any more money. You can't make any bigger dent in the world running a non-healh care or non-defense business. He made a huge dent in my life too. In...
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    ANTI SUMMIT II - December 5th & 6th, 2011 - Long Island, New York

    ANTI-SUMMIT II The symposium that will help golf teachers, researchers, and players play better golf by understanding truly what makes a golf swing work. Monday, December 5th & Tuesday, December 6th Rock Hill Golf & Country Club, Manorville, Long Island, New York Why is it called an "Anti"...