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  1. D

    Hitting down - Ben Doyle video

    Can anyone help with a long time, ingrained, swing fault that has been holding my progress back for a number years. Basically, I have sweeping type, upward, swing action that I just can’t seem to break. I usually out drive my playing partners, but it’s all carry due to the very high ball...
  2. D

    Hit Down and Through

    Brian, I'm still struggling with fat iron shots, even after working hard with the swivel. I either pick the ball clean or hit it fat (divots are *never* after the ball) Looking at a video of my swing, is appears my swing is travelling in an upward direction through the ball, not down. I seem...
  3. D

    Fat iron shots

    Brian I can't seem to get the divot to start after the ball. I looked at a recent video of my swing and noticed my left wrist breaking down just after impact. Also, my swing looks all arms with a very underactive body turn. Is the lack of pivot causing the wrist to flip? Any drills that might...
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    Huge power loss -- HELP!!

    After working really hard to perfect the ‘twist away’ and maintain a bent right wrist through impact, I find I have now lost at least 10 to 20 yards with all my irons! With my old downswing, I just pulled the pulled the butt of the club through ball, with soft wrists and just let the club do...
  5. D

    Manzella grip and anti slice drill results

    Just wondered if anyone could shed some light on the ball flight I am getting using Brian’s neutral grip and anti slice drills. After hitting a few hundred balls this past week I seem to be hitting a consistent push/fade. I can see a couple of potential problems myself but really need some...