Do we ALL agree that looking at pictures of golf swings CAN NOT show MASSIVELY IMPORTANT DETAILS THAT YOU HAVE no shot at all to guess?
Can I get a +1??
The theme was getting the angle of attack number to the mid 3's.
What were the final successful changes that achieved the desired results?
How long into the 90+ minutes did it take to find the solution?
I'd rather not say what I did exactly.
It took about 40 minutes to really start getting good numbers over and over.
We did some additional path things with the driver.
Fair enough... confidentiality considerations....
However, in the first 40 minutes, what was the most challenging things to change before you got the results?
Did you spot the problem immediately or was it a trial and error situation before the solution emerged?
I had an inkling.
But the orange guy misses NOTHING!
A little toss and going normal.
The "how" is a secret.
Many decades ago, I took a ski lesson from a highly touted European ski teacher... and after following me down the trail to the bottom his advice was "Bend ze kneez.. 5 dollars plez!".
Don't give away your secrets too easily now.
You're a funny dude Steve.