Don't quite understand the logic here.Trackman is setup to monitor the sweetspot or the middle of the club.It doesn't monitor the part of the clubface where the ball contacts.
Let's say the ball contacts the extreme toe of the club.The clubhead speed at that point may be faster(but I doubt 3 mph faster),however you won't be getting the same COR so ball speed won't be the same as if you hit the middle,so you really should not get a higher smash factor reading.
surely then it is actually down to the sweetspot's profile, or how the COR varies over the face. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that there isn't much drop off over much of the face centre nowadays.
I do question the argument of increased speed towards the toe though. Brian has shown videos before where the face tracks pretty much straight through impact and has stated that rate of closure is minimal during the impact interval. Wouldn't this mean most of the clubhead has much the same speeed through impact (unless speed is calculated over a much longer interval).
Also, does anyone know exactly how trackman knows which bit of the clubhead it is measuring? I would have though this is very important, however I don't recall seeing it anywhere.
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