I am satisfied, but spend a lot of time on the go, and the only food that seems available is high carb garbage. I haven't had the desire to stray, but I've had hundreds of opportunities.
Ketone bodies!!!
Vegetarianism is not the ideal diet or the original diet of modern hominids.
No animal flesh = no evolution of modern man. Figure that one out!
It takes more than foraging like an ape to nourish a 1350cc brain. We spend a greater percentage of our energy intake on feeding our brains, and please don't respond with any info on the brains preferred source of fuel. My nutrition textbook was sold back to the bookstore years ago
The evolution of ancient hominids into Homo sapiens is due to dietary changes as well as many other factors. Your whole garbage idea that we are supposed to be vegetarians since we don't have shearing teeth like other meat eaters is beyond illogical! We don't have shearing teeth because we have HANDS! Hands that can make tools, tools that can kill prey. Our teeth do not have the same characteristics as past bipedal herbivores. We do not have the large grinding teeth of primitive hominids like the Australopithecus that was a small brained raw vegetation forager. Later Hominids all evolved smaller teeth do to the ability to cook food (raw food diets are idiotic!) and the dependency on an animal flesh diet. There is evidence that suggests that as soon as hominids began eating an animal flesh diet, their brains increased in size while their teeth decreased in size because of not needing to grind raw vegetation. You asked me why would i want to eat a diet that is designed for people with a brain disorder. I ask why do you want to eat a diet designed for a 400cc brain ape?
The biggest threat to meat eaters isn't heart disease, but the lack of organically feed animals, and the leaning out of meat to appease the low fat crowd. I had to beg my grocer for meat with FAT still on it. Dammit I'm trying to eat high fat, not high protein. All of the wimpy wimps are so fearful of FAT. I wonder if there is a correlation between a Low Fat diet and low testosterone.