Art, I have been dealing with a herniated L4/5 and related spinal stenosis. It has wreaked havoc on my golf swing, as my pivot is so wildly inconsistent that I can see changes in 2-d and would be frightened to see what 3-D looks like (I was on Mike Jacobs AMM system last year) after only 40-50 balls on the range. Cortisone, PT, and 1.1gm of Naproxen have at least made the issue bearable, but the lingering subconscious effects, along with the very poor condition of the associated "core musculature" still leaves me with a very inconsistent swing. Any suggestions on swing techniques or exercise programs that might be effective. I realize this is a very complicated and involved question, but any random thoughts you might have would be greatly appreciated.
I do have a swing style suggestion, and presently am involved with a research study in a major national clinic, assessing the relationship of golf swing styles on potential lower back injury. The hypothesis going in is that a more rotary swing WITH LOWER AND UPPER BODY DYNAMIC STABILITY should very significantly reduce the 'crunch factor', and more importantly, the 'integrated dynamic crunch factor' which at least attempts to address the 'cumulative' stresses in a single swing, not just the peak.
In addition to the '(1) Bumpy Back, keep it Back, (2) keep your back towards the target longer and (3) back swing 'release' take away I have previously written about, just aim your tail bone (coccyx) straight down, or if possible, towards your right foot, either of which will encourage you to almost rotate exclusively around your left hip, and have the secondary advantage of keeping your weight forward, maybe even 60-40, forward foot-rear foot (definitely not 80-20 for the back swing as is normally suggested).
Certainly, take a bunch of lower energy practice swings without a ball, developing the new feeling AND DEVELOPING ADDITIONAL LOWER BODY DYNAMIC BALANCE that should significantly reduce the stresses in the lower back.
As background, when I started on this golf truth journey in 2007, I very much wanted to be 'on the train' playing golf, not just studying and researching but as you will read below, I had a very damaged back which constrained me to the desk, not the golf course. Now, however, I am happy to say, I AM PRACTICING, PLAYING, and more importantly, testing every research characteristic I have and will write about on this informative site,
I am 6 ft 2, 230 pounds, and 78 years 'young' thank God, and seem to have followed the same injury path as you and 'welshdentist', but probably a different recovery path. On record, I have Severe Spinal Stenosis (SSS), and Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD),
I am now dedicated to a 'sport' chiropractor, who has treated professional athletes from all sports here in Southern California. My association with the medical profession, after a 6 foot fall onto concrete breaking my left wrist, elbow, and severely torquing my left hip and pelvis. They fixed the broken parts, but due to my negligence, I waited 5 years (2002-2007) to find out what happened to the pelvis and hip. By then, the only proposed solution was a series of 'epidurals' for pain relief, but eventually lumbar fusion which I at that time rejected in favor of physical therapy.
That decision limped me thru November 2011, when I decided to take the advice of an athletic son, and give the sports-specific chiropractic opportunity a chance.
The full body, weight bearing x-rays were all THIS PSEUDO SCIENTIST needed to see what was wrong, and give this a try. I am , and since November, have been pain free, with significantly increased ranges of motion for all my spinal-related joints and body elements.
NO, NOT MEANT TO BE A COMMERCIAL, but I believe the 'mostly rotary' swing style the science led me to during 2007-2012, in harmony with the physical therapy, and more recently the active manipulation of some very golf-specific parts of the body has, and will continue to serve me well for the future of this now 'seeking and playing' pursuit of golf truth. If right for you, I hope it works as well.