I like Richie he usually has some interesting stories in his posts, but man, he knows a lot of people, who know a lot of people, who know more people, that know.... just kidding Richie.
Look at it from my point of view.
I do report stories using anonymous sources, which is what any professional reporter does (or at least should do). I can't think of a story where I had to use anonymous sources that I didn't at least use 3 different sources (validates the story...and again, something professional reporters should do as well).
So if I just give away what pros I've talked to...then it gives away that they are my sources. Or even worse, pros that I've talked to..but haven't actually used them as a source in my story...not get looked at as being an anonymous source.
'5 Lessons' is filled with 'feel ain't real' stuff in there. Hogan talks about 'turning the hips to start the downswing'...the guy had a ton of forward lateral movement in the downswing.
'Golf My Way' is filled with 'feel ain't real' stuff.
So is 'A Swing For Life.'
Nobody is saying that you don't need to find what makes each one tick.