I am afraid that like Homer you are not quite up to par with science.
This subject has been discussed previously but let me try to explain such so that everyone can see immediately the basic fallacy inherent in Homer’s ‘scientific’ ideas re to impact.
"Zero Deceleration is what would give maximum ball speed for any and all approach speeds.”
- Impact occurs between to small masses – a fast moving clubhead and a stationary golf ball.
- The ball gets its kinetic energy / momentum from the impacting clubhead, which hence decelerates and slows down.
- Therefore zero clubhead deceleration implies no energy/momentum transfer taking place from clubhead to ball.
Alright, I've done my homework and can now get to a bit more of the nitty gritty.
The concept of pre-stressing is not about how much the shaft flexes but rather the transfer of energy back up the shaft instead of transfered to the ball. If the shaft flexes as a result of impact, then some of the energy is transfered to the shaft which could otherwise be given to the ball. However if the shaft is already flexed it will resist impact and therefor transfer more energy back to the ball.
If the club were to slow down a sugnificant amount during impact that would not be an indication that energy went to the ball but rather that energy was transfered SOMEWHERE. If the shaft is not stressed at the time of this energy transfer then it would BECOME stressed and therefore take some of that energy away that could have been transfered to the ball.
Homer’s idea that "Zero Deceleration is what would give maximum ball speed for any and all approach speeds” is hence clearly not conform to standard Newtonian physics.
Although zero deceleration is not possible, it would be ideal based on concept of reduced energy displacement. He could have been more accurate in saying "Zero deceleration minus the balls inertia" would give maximum ball speed but that isn't exactly as beautiful in concept as just saying Zero deceleration.
(HK) “Speed and Prestress stiffen the Clubshaft for consistent resistance to Impact Deceleration."
Stiffness of the shaft is immaterial for all practical purpose during impact.
The force generated by the resistance of the shaft is negligible re to the very large forces generated during the 0.0005 sec of impact.
Then I guess you also believe that the energy displaced as noise is negligible.
I think you're also forgetting that since we are dealing with .0005 sec, any variation or displacement of energy is magnified. Otherwise, using your statement, it would be impossible to create spin since forces generated during the .0005 sec of impact are negligible.
(R) “And just how does one pre-stress the shaft and resist impact deceleration?”
One does not resists impact deceleration. Impact simply happens lightning fast and totally out of control for the golfer.
Stressing the shaft is simply the consequence of torque being applied, it has no other significance.
Not true. You can resist deceleration BY ACCELLERATING and continuing the application of force to the club. It may be happening lightning fast but setting up the conditions to reduce energy displacement and create maximum energy transfer to the ball IS obtainable and a reasonable goal.
BTW, how can you say stressing of the shaft has no significance? In golf even the smallest variation during that .0005 is significant because of how little time it has to effect the ball.
Impact is governed by ‘conservation of momentum’, one of the most basic laws in classical mechanics since it remains valid in nuclear physics.
It is tell-taling Homer being completely wrong with regard with this very simple but fundamental law – Conservation of Momentum.
How was he wrong with reguards to conservation of momentum?