Mac Doesnt Rate Tiger!

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I wonder if Jack would have 18 if he played with Jones/Hogan/Snead.

Each era has their group of greats. The fact of the matter is that Tiger is just much better than the other "greats" of this era.

Also, what none of these "old guys" want to admit is HOW MUCH HARDER courses are these days. Greens are faster and have a lot more undulation and courses are much longer as well.

Jack did have Palmer, Player (I think right?), Trevino, Watson, etc. though.

But....................and I know Miller and even Jack have brought this up:

Even if you look at the final round scoring averages in majors or playing with Tiger..........I mean........I don't KNOW the stats but I would bet they show a lot of falling back. (I know Miller has said this too)

I know someone could say that Tiger is just that much better than the Mickelsons etc. and THAT'S why these guys are falling back.....but...........I'm not so sure....

Tiger definitely is one of the very best of all time no matter how you spin let's get that obvious one out of the way (despite the ramblings of Mac).......

But you gotta look at all this other stuff too.....why wouldn't you?? It all plays in. I know I remember seeing a lot of people fall well back from their usual form on Sunday. Don't know how much Jack had that (apparently it WASN'T as much) but I don't think you can deny it with Tiger anyhow.


BTW everyone plays on the same course So ur saying it wears you down more and requires more perseverance?
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jpvegas said:
Tiger has enough talent that if golf went back to hickory shafts Tiger would figure that out and beat everybody with those as well.

I know you must be joking........but I feel the need to say:



shortgamer said:
He sounds like a tired old man just like Jack is starting to sound. Your times over go home. It's not your daddys game anymore, adjust.


shortgamer- not talking about Mac cause he was wrong......but tell me how Jack doesn't have a point.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
birdie.....there are still plenty of guys that work the ball into holes on tour. You know who they are?

The one's who tend to be towards the top of the world golf rankings ;).
Please correlate the use of new technology to lower USGA handicaps... I'll save ya some time. It CAN'T be done. Amateur golfers are no better today than they were 3o years ago. The technique to knock the white off of the ball hasn't changed. Technology has helped professional players more than anyone; it doesn't help your 30 handicap hacker.

Golf is awfully simple..

This was the EXACT point that Nicklaus made a few years back on a panel show on the Golf Channel. He bemoaned the fact the scores have not improved and in some stats only gotten worse with the advent of new technology.
I really don't think that the players of today out skill the players of the past. Nor has technology made the players of today better... I don't even buy the hype about more athletic players; I only see a handful of guys that are worthy of that label on tour.

So you hit the ball longer... Can you utilize your 'technology' induced greater distance, or are you just another long hitter that cannot score. The best players were and will always be the guys that can score... BLAH technology...

I hate that the tour is so cookie cutter and hum drum. I don't even watch golf unless it is the last round of a major.

Golf is easy.
Tiger is the best in the world today, and he was brought up in the game with the equipment & technology that was in front of him.
Jones, Snead, Sarazen, Armour, Nelson were the greats at their time, and they learned the game with what was available to them at their time.
I don't recall Snead winning 82 tourneys with featheries & hickory shafts, but I have no doubt that had he been a product of the 1800's, he sure as heck would have been mentioned as an 'old time' great.

The best are truly the best because they posess attributes & skills that noone else around them does. The greats from yesteryear are not suddenly superior because their game was played in a more primitive fashion.

Tiger has been a trailblazer for golf in that he didn't become an athlete because all those before him were in great physical shape. He, one might argue, made it the norm.
Just as MJ took high flying b-ball moves from Dr J, he then added more skills to that, not previously seen from a 6'6" shooting guard. And now we have the Kobe Bryants, Lebron James, and D Wade's of the NBA.

Mac sounds like the typical grumpy old man that believes Bob Cousy could take Magic Johnson, or that Wilt would have put up those gaudy numbers against today's towering athletes.
Bigger, faster, stronger... it's undeniable, and much of it is because as human beings we continue to raise the bar because of those that came before us.
Track & field is another example. (insert roid references as you see fit)

Personally, if they decide to reign in technology, and go backwards, it might suck more for me for a time, since all I know is what's come out in the past 2-3 years, but those coming up will learn with whatever's put in front of them.
Big Mac Attack

Mac has a penchant for the sensational. The game has changed pretty dramatically, however all the guys on the Senior tour still play very well and all of them started their careers with the old balata ball and persimmon driver, in short they have adapted. The reverse, the adoption of newer players to older gear is pretty logical--Tiger would certainly have been very competitive in any era. Rating Tiger a 1 on a scale of 1-10 just shows how desperate Mac is.

That said, Tiger's transformation of the game serves his style particularly well in today's world. Tiger has many believing that you have compete with him on the course and in the gym. He uses his physicality to intimidate his opponents and many believe they have to transform themselves physically to compete--Nicklaus would not have bought into this sham, he would have not pushed away the ice-cream bowl--thus he wouldn't fall pray to a significant factor of Tiger's game. Cabrera is the sort of personality that can compete with Tiger, he wants to beat him on the golf course not in the gym.
kinda refreshing to see cabrera challenge the "flat-bellies"...maybe duval is fitness run amok to the detriment of his game...
I really don't think that the players of today out skill the players of the past. Nor has technology made the players of today better... I don't even buy the hype about more athletic players; I only see a handful of guys that are worthy of that label on tour.

So you hit the ball longer... Can you utilize your 'technology' induced greater distance, or are you just another long hitter that cannot score. The best players were and will always be the guys that can score... BLAH technology...

I hate that the tour is so cookie cutter and hum drum. I don't even watch golf unless it is the last round of a major.

Golf is easy.

Are you trying to taunt us with the comments about how easy golf is? I wish I could find whatever it is you have working for you.
As much as my fellow seniors hate to admit and although we cherish our childhood heros - the athletes of today are bigger, stronger, faster, and better trained. It is natural evolution.
Ive been looking at alot of forums the past two days. There has been alot of negitive news about this write up. However Mac like to put the drama into things and NAT would be the first to agree with me on this. However look at how much talk there is about it. So what about the tour drug testing the players, that was brought up by someone a few years back.

Im not here to agree or disagree with this topic, I just see alot of talk now due to a former PGA tour card winner, saying something.
This guy has some good points, but they all get thrown out the window because of obsession with picking on Tiger Woods. Let me just state that I don't really care for Tiger, but I respect him. All an athlete can do is compete against the best competition under the rules and equipment available to everyone in their time. What does this fool want Tiger to do, break out a persimmon driver? Besides if the ball is so easy to hit straight and if technology is so great then why don't the best players in the world put it on the fairway every time?
birdie.....there are still plenty of guys that work the ball into holes on tour. You know who they are?

The one's who tend to be towards the top of the world golf rankings ;).

Hey true or not and I'm sure it is........

.....all I meant to say was the game has to be different than before.....i.e. not as much EMPHASIS on working it. (I should have written it better)

I didn't play with balata and such but I can see how it would've been more interesting and exciting with ppl bendin em all over the place. (and it's harder to do than blastin it)

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Tiger makes it look everyone thinks the people he plays against now days are mere amateurs compared to the old days.

I can't stand it when some columnist on ESPN cracks a joke how the PGA is just Tiger and the rest of the field doesn't matter. Even taking away Tiger, I believe these guys today are BETTER than the average field of the past. The courses are longer, narrower, and greens are faster. The skill required to play today's game is much higher. Not to say the men of the past weren't great players but honestly it's tough to say who's going to win week to week now.
The book Q School Confidential has the scoring average that it took each year to get a tour card. When I graduated from high school in '73 it was around +15 for for six rounds. Twenty years later, or so, it was around -15. So the marginal TOUR player is maybe 5 shots a round better today than in Nicklaus' time?! That is substantial improvement. Of course that is not to say that the improvement at the top is anywhere near that, it is probably around the same. But I think this statistic is substantial and certainly reveals that there are many more good players today than 30+ years ago.
Better players making it THROUGH Q-school

Or just better players going to Q school.

BTW when did golf become a sport?

I think his scoring average statistic was for those that made it THROUGH Q-school, not just the overall scoring. So that would say that the "fringe" Tour player these days is MUCH better than the player of the 70's.
What can one influence?

The dog barks and the caravan moves on!

<< alot of talk now due to a former PGA tour card winner, saying something<<

Brian Manzella

Sorry Mac.

Sorry Mac.

I hear where you’re coming from, but you are way, way off base. I will dismantle your argument, and for fun, I’ll even offer some advice—one straight shooter to another.

Tiger Woods would not have stood a chance against Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer.

Are you high?

I saw them all play, and I have payed the courses they played on. I played the, with persimmon, and with titanium. And, unlike you, I never quite had the game for the Tour, so I don’t bring to the table any of the has-been syndrome that it seems 90% of all ex-jocks have.

Tiger at his peak—the Tiger Slam years—would have destroyed Arnie and Jack. And I’m talking 1960 Arnie, and 1975 Jack.


They just didn’t have it in them to go that low.

Tiger was as long as they were, and at his best, straight enough.

His fairway woods and long irons are equal with Jack and way better than Palmer. His mid-irons were slightly worse than Jack, but even with Arnie. Short irons go to Arnie, with Tiger and Jack about even.

But…the short games are OFF THE PLANET different

From 50 yards and in Tiger would cut Jack a shot a side and even the hot-putting Arnie more than half that.

Look at these stats from 2000:
Driving Distance 298.0 2nd; Driving Accuracy Percentage 71.2% 54th; Greens in Regulation Pct. 75.2% 1st; Putting Average 1.717 2nd; Eagles (Holes per) 72.0 1st; Birdie Average 4.92 1st; Scoring Average 67.79 1st!!!!!​
Mac, you are wrong pal. Jack and Arnie couldn’t match these stats.

Woods, the three-time PGA and four-time Masters champion, is the worst driver to win the Masters.

Tom Bartlett will be happy to send you the DVD of the 1997 Masters. Watch it 200 times, and call me in the morning.

"When Nicklaus and Palmer played, when (Ben) Hogan played and Sam Snead played, on a scale of zero to 10, they were a nine-plus," he said. "Tiger Woods is not even a one-plus."

You, sir, have drawn too many lines on those old photos, and spent too much time thinking about calling it science.

Hogan couldn’t have shot 12-under at Pebble if he could have played a scramble. He just wouldn’t have hit as many par 5’s and not made NEARLY ENOUGH PUTTS!!!

Start drawing lines on Tiger’s putting stroke from that year and the ’97 Masters and I’ll let you call THAT science.—The science of psychology. You need a shrink if you can’t understand that Tiger was TOTALLY better with the long irons, and with his length and short game, would demolish a Snead or Hogan score wise.

Lowest SCORE wins Mac. Not who makes the best sound on the range.

O'Grady said technology is the reason for players' success today. A change in the drivers' grooves from a V shape to a box shape allows golfers to hit the ball farther with more spin.
When in the rough, players go straight for the hole instead of just trying to reach the green. This, he said, has ruined golf.
"The reason why (Woods) can hit it on the green is because he has square grooves," he said.


Tiger was LONG and STRAIGHTER with Persimmon. And that little metal 3-wood he destroyed Augusta with in 1997 was no tecno-club. He also used mainly v-grooves back then.

"He doesn't have that, he's dead. He cannot do it -- it's impossible. For him to go after Nicklaus' records is cheating. This is like steroids."


Dude, you have no idea.

If David Toms could go back and play courses like Lakewood Country Club and Houston Country Club, he’d have shot in the 50’s a few times. Ask David if Tiger is any good.

The players are better. Period.

O'Grady, who shot a 1-over-par 73, has studied the swing for 23 years and plans to turn his research into a book.

I think that quote is from 1991. I was there in San Francisco.

"The problem is the teaching hypothesis," O'Grady said.
"All the teachers have different theories, and anybody can say anything. It's unregulated”


No, its BUSINESS. Just learn how to fix people, instead of IMPRESSING people, and learn to TREAT people better, and you’ll be slightly more than infamous.

He said technological advancements in clubs and balls have eliminated curve problems.
Balls used to have what he called a concentric arc dimple configuration, meaning their indentions were in a circular shape and each dimple was the same size, allowing for even dispersion of air across them. Now dimple sizes and positions vary, eliminating the balls' curve.
"It allows all these guys to come into the game that ordinarily couldn't do it," O'Grady said.

That’s right. Chris DiMarco is not as good as Gay Brewer right?

Jim Fuyrk is not as good as Miller barber, right?

Fred Funk is not as good as Cal Peete, right?


Wrong again.

"This ball is …blah, blah, balh….. It's not fair."

What you mean to say is this:

I am a great ball-striker, just ask anyone. I should have won 100 tournaments, or at least the “Superstars.”

I am pretty sure that if Scott Verplank went back in time to play with persimmion and old Titleist, he would still win.

Oh, I forgot, he DID win win persimmion and old Titleist.

O'Grady said he used the qualifying event as research for his book, taking note of driving distance and players' performance.

If you playing in a 4-spotter qualifies as research, than doing this forum ought to win me the Nobel prize.

O'Grady said in the Champions Tour, what he called former "powderpuff" players such as Jay Haas, are defeating "dinosaur guys who had the best technique."

Powderpuff hitters?

Like HALF the tour in 1980.

I’m 5’9, 190lbs. and I am tired from one round of golf and hitting some balls on a launch monitor. My driving distance would rank me about 175th on Tour now.

With the OLD club and OLD balls, I’d be about 60th in 1980.

Ed Fiori was 60th in 1980, and even THEN, I could blow it by him.

Mac, you are a bright guy. Take a year off from all of your hard work :rolleyes: :rolleyes: , and write the damn book.

And while you are at it, tell Tiger you are sorry.
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