Manzella grip and anti slice drill results

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Hey guys (and Eminem) please take this in the spirit in which its meant, which is to help people avoid making this situation worse. You should know that Eminem aka SimpleMotion had a pretty ugly history at FGI Forum where he tried to crash the site. By his own admission, Eminem/SimpleMotion has undergone intense periods of something akin to bi-polar disorder.

I mention this so that people are aware of Eminem's situation and do what they can to not simply aggravate a person who (again, by his own admission) has a history of intense, sometimes debilatating mental duress. Whatever your motivation for engaging Eminem in this kind of verbal warfare, please know that this cycle of behavior has been seen before, and generally leads to very destructive behavior.

That's it. Just trying to help.

Take care.
Golf is good for that.
I wake up, and within about 30 seconds, I feel something changing (ie. stress and tension creeping into my mind and body). I hit the range by 7 a.m. every weekday M-F and by the time I get to the office at 9 o'clock I feel totally ready to go.

Good luck Eminem
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

- Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

Brian Manzella

I hope everything is going well for em....

I like a lot of his post and really don't have any problem except of subject and profane.

This is the forum for everyone. So hope ya'll all stay and debate GOLF!
the picture is there to show you where dave pelz stole the idea to spray paint fairways to work on his wedge see devery henderson (the guy with the ball) was working on his 93 yard approaches and in the picture he was showing mr. pelz where to start you can see, there were several kentucky fans 103 yards away awaiting devery's shots....they had shag bags in hand ready to assist him in any way


quote:Originally posted by mikestloc

the picture is there to show you where dave pelz stole the idea to spray paint fairways to work on his wedge see devery henderson (the guy with the ball) was working on his 93 yard approaches and in the picture he was showing mr. pelz where to start you can see, there were several kentucky fans 103 yards away awaiting devery's shots....they had shag bags in hand ready to assist him in any way

:D Definitely a football moment to remember. LOL! Unlike Pelz.[:p]


quote:Originally posted by mikestloc

eminem.....your computer skills are surely better than your awful golf swing....maybe you should try another where you can potentially become average - like javelin catching

Hari kiri would be good.:D
quote:Originally posted by Icemonfan

Hey guys (and Eminem) please take this in the spirit in which its meant, which is to help people avoid making this situation worse. You should know that Eminem aka SimpleMotion had a pretty ugly history at FGI Forum where he tried to crash the site. By his own admission, Eminem/SimpleMotion has undergone intense periods of something akin to bi-polar disorder.

I mention this so that people are aware of Eminem's situation and do what they can to not simply aggravate a person who (again, by his own admission) has a history of intense, sometimes debilatating mental duress. Whatever your motivation for engaging Eminem in this kind of verbal warfare, please know that this cycle of behavior has been seen before, and generally leads to very destructive behavior.

That's it. Just trying to help.

Take care.

Then his parents, doctors or legal guardian need to keep him away from the computer during those times. Mental illness is no excuse for acting like a horse's arse.
quote:Originally posted by mikestloc

eminem.....your computer skills are surely better than your awful golf swing....maybe you should try another where you can potentially become average - like javelin catching
he better make sure he's got "educated hands"[}:)];)
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