More than 4 Accumulators??

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You know....."get behind it....load up the right side...coil into the right leg....shift yer weight ....move yer shoulders and head behind it....."It" being the ball..."Me" a former player.....I set up to the right of the ball..."IT"..."Me" to the right of the ball equals means /implies aready behind it...So if "me" being already to the right of the ball..Implication to rhetoric is why do I need to get more behind it!!!!Tongue in Cheek....

This thread is Not about me...

I just made a response to the "challenge" ....I responded with an effort whether it was a knockout or not....

It is now time for the "Challenger" who by the way is probably a very talented,insightful,innovative type of individual...doesn't mean I agree with his insight...but .......

Ali...was the "Self-Proclaimed Master"...

If you want to meet the Master...just call his name..."Jesus"

I do look forward to his response by posting his "stuff".......

Which I'm sure will be very good...

Now !!!!.....Drum Roll Please........
>Such as this thread is doing...destroying relationships!!!

Well, NONTGM, I can't even say someone has a great swing without a negative response. What you fellows want is not a golf swing discussion or debate, you want your comfort zone!

MJ, 6bee and others, just compare my swing to HK's, your God (apparently not Jesus/God given your hate).

Yes, Mr. Kelly would be UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED in his "supporters". Not to mention, Jesus...
and that's exactly why some very knowledgeable have told me they refuse to post in this forum. If every post has to to be 100% aligned with TGM, maybe you guys really should ask Brian to change the name to "TGM FORUM". Wait...wasn't that tried?

Most golf swing afficianados probably want an open forum where dissent is more than tolerated, it is welcomed! A forum where every person is treated with common courtesy and those who post ad hominem attacks are the one that aren't welcome.
quote:Originally posted by David Alford

The moment is timely! You've heard about me all these years. You've read about me. NOW MEET YOUR MASTER!

Who posted this?

I never personally insulted you...If I have I apologize...If anything I've given you unconditional respect for your posts...

As for Jesus...He is my Master...and He's glad that I can publicly state that Fact without Fear...

I look forward to meeting my Master

With all due respect...
Kind Sir...
Post your swing....
The video clips are safe and comfy on my computer. It's a matter now of opening an .Mac account for storage and uploading a link.

NONTGM, you have been objective, thanks for that. My comment referred to MJ's negativity, not yours.
quote:Originally posted by David Alford

The video clips are safe and comfy on my computer.

"The Golfing Machine" is safe and comfy on my bookshelf ready to fully categorize your pattern using four or less Accumulators. [8D]
MJ, this particular swing uses less than 4, but one of them is #7. It's MORAD on steriods. Not because I'm swinging at steroid speeds, but because of the angles and lag which are probably close to the human limit.

Geoff, take particular note of the flying wedges, let me know if you still recomend I study TGM and the forums' experts so I won't throw them away too early in the downswing.

I'm jammed with pre XMAS stuff right now, but expect this will be up in a week or so.
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