Michael Finney
wright and dee agree......the more club head speed, the higher the closure rate....
wright and dee agree......the more club head speed, the higher the closure rate....
they'll just say "strengthen your grip"
Did you study the affect of the path on clubface closure rates?
As far as the closure rates go, I'd guess they have ALMOST NOTHING to do with the path (of good players).
That is on the list.
We are having another go at ENSO-pro in the next couple of months, and we are going to be part of huge clubface study that is going to be done.
Promise I will report back.
As far as the closure rates go, I'd guess they have ALMOST NOTHING to do with the path (of good players).
they'll just say "strengthen your grip"
So golf isn't about looking a certain way on video as you achieve purportedly long carry distances to unspecified targets on a driving range?
I suspect the more out to in the path the faster the clubface rotation for me. When my path is more in to out the better my face angle readings on Trackman. I could be wrong and this might just be for me.
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