I dont see any "hitting" here, maybe an angled hinge at best
I see a 4 barrel stroke variation with a horizontal hinge.
a right hand that adds omph.
I dont see any "hitting" here, maybe an angled hinge at best
Does his swing on THAT day show some weakness to explain his mis-hits??
I agree that the turned shoulder plane line that I drew is slightly too high relative to the right shoulder in Palmer swing. Note that Palmer's elbow plane goes through the mid-back, and it is passes higher than the belt buckle - while Brian's elbow plane line nearly passes through Palmer's belt bucke.
I drew the elbow plane lines based on the elbow position at address, and not based on ANY impact position.
I drew the elbow plane line based on address, and not impact, because that presumably is part of the definition of an elbow plane line (see Brian's photo of the address position and the different plane lines - note that the elbow plane line goes through the right elbow and the hand line goes through the hands at address).
This time Peter Costas has something?
Plane indicator?
It looks ok...
Phil Mickelson Video -