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"Their secret is a geometry based swing that contridicts almost everything being taught in the game today."
Earth to Golf Digest:
Their two magic moves:
1. Leaning 30 degrees to the left is really where you are at the top of the swing.
2. Spring up using the ground for impact.
Seriously Golf Digest...everyone who has a 3-D vest, literally 100's of teachers, knows this. Mike McTigue said it in his research so long ago I forget when (early 90's), knows that the DIRECTION you are actually leaning at the top of an ORHODOX position is labout 30 degrees left.
Ben Doyle used the spring up from the ground for impact since the early 80's at least. I have said THROW THE DRUNK OFF YOUR BACK, which is actually a better way to say it.
"They spent years at the side of Mac O'Grady."I think they should have gievn O'Grady a chance to comment on his former protege's success.
"A quest they immodestly call The Revolution. To back-up their teaching, they have established a high-tech research-and-delvelopment facility outside of Philadelphia.'This is interesting. Will they try to prove what they teach is best, or try to figure out what might be better?
I'll say this, if someone with Mandrin or Grober or Zick's background say this is THE BEST WAY TO SWING A CLUB, it will snow in Chalmette in June. No chance. A WAY. Period.
The person who will "take over golf," if that ever happens, will be albe to fix DiMarco, Furyk, Thorpe, Allen Doyle, etc and look like they didn't do ANYTHING.
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"...Exactly what the backswing should feel like."Should read: Exactly what THIS backswing should feel like.
"Keeping the weight on the left foot is the simplest way to control where the club hits the ground."What? On a chip shot?
Seriously Mike and Andy, Ben Doyle is 75 years old, his head moves 6 inches on the backswing, and he'll hit the ground anyway you want. In fact, he'll take all your money doing the line in the bunker drill, the tee in the ground drill, or any other test like it.
Because what determines where the club hits the ground is your HANDS. Educated Hands, Andy. Right there in the little yellow book.
"Golfers who shift to the right have to make precisely...Shouldn't have used the word precisely...
...the same shift back to the left at impact. That complicated manuever is the biggest sourse of frustration in the game today."Are you kidding me?
First of all, the "same shift back to the left"?? Uh, you know better. The downswing shift is WAY FUTHER LEFT with the hips, WAY MORE OPEN with the hips and shoulders and then there is this little detail called AXIS TILT. Ya'll know about Axis Tilt, right?
"Biggest source of frustration..."
What kind of silly statement is that? Give me 30 minutes, and I can make a RAW beginner look like a golfer PIVOT WISE. The biggest sourse of frustration is ALMOST ALL BAD HANDS. Hand control. The Hands control the clubface, the clubhead and if they are educated, the pivot.
Which makes me want to ask this question?
Would anyone's hands ever tell them to make THAT pivot?
"You'll see why stack and tilt is right for you."Should read: MIGHT BE right for you.
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