This site provides direct, free access to one of the top teachers in the game, recognized as such by his peers, not the internet masses. And despite the opportunity to learn more about the game, the majority of the posts since the site was redone is either an attempt to argue with Brian about his research and conclusions or harp on Tiger Woods being ruined by Chris Como. In the ten years I have visited this site, my game has improved significantly, although a lot of that is from two personal lessons with Brian. I like how he does not back away from the argument, but it seems like there is nothing to actually learn on this site anymore. Brian spends a ton of time defending things he does not need to defend. JohnMerrick has every right to espouse his opinions, but he has not identified one single thing Como has taught that is wrong or has ruined Tiger. No info at all, just opinion designed to make the point he wants to make. This site used to be a great place to learn the golf swing, I do not know why Brian does this anymore, he is too good for these type of discussions. We are wasting his time on a lot of this crap.
I think its because we dont see what they are working on, the only thing we see is the high finishes and block/slice drives, shank chips etc. He has some good rounds but he is Tiger woods. He could get good rounds with a pool stick left handed. If you are the instructor of Tiger and his short game goes to a 20 capper level and your blocking your drives 100 yards right, it comes with the territory. Im glad hes turned his short game around to some extent